Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The "KOLLATH" Breakfast

Eating this breakfast on a regular basis has a number of beneficial effects:
·                                                       You feel full for at least 4 hours. You don’t feel hungry during the morning, and you don’t overload your stomach;
·                                                       It stablises the weight: weight-watchers will not feel hungry before lunch and will therefore be able to eat less. By contrast, those who want to put on weight will find it improves their digestive system and helps them to put on weight. This may sound paradoxical, but it is perfectly logical;
·                                                       It eliminates constipation which poisons the system;
·                                                       Because this breakfast cleanses the system, the symptoms of tiredness and exhaustion, which are an indication of an accumulation of toxins rather than real tiredness, disappear;
·                                                       It increases physical and intellectual efficiency;
·                                                       An improved biological balance gives a general sense of wellbeing;
·                                                       It improves the powers of concentration because the digestive system is not overloded (digestion uses 70% of our available nervous energy);
·                                                       It improves tolerance of stress;
·                                                       It improves the composition of the blood: the improved irrigation of the tissues eliminates eczema, boils and scurf and gives a fresh, clear complexion;
·                                                       Hair becomes supple and shiny. Eating this breakfast regularly even prevents greying and enables the hair to recover its original colour;
·                                                       Nails become shiny and less brittle;
·                                                       It improves dental health and loose teeth become firmly rooted in their sockets;
·                                                       It strengthens bones, which become less likely to fracture and mend more rapidly in the event of an accident.

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