Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Triumphing in love

You can also learn the art of appealing to and irresistibly attracting people
you are fond of.
Make yourself comfortable in a dark and peaceful room - close the curtains or
blinds and avoid any background noise. Then, (choosing a regular time when you
know that your loved one will be most calm and relaxed and therefore receptive),
proceed as follows: imagine this person, how you would like them to be - leaning
towards you, clasped in your arms, head resting on your shoulder, or strolling
romantically by your side.
Think hard, really hard ... until you see them or sense them near you. Talk to
them very softly while thinking very hard about the words you say to them and the
replies you hear, replies that you will invent as you wish.
At this moment, a kind of telepathy occurs and with a bit of patience, confidence
and perseverance, you will find that this person gradually develops a warmer attitude
towards you, and that your desires will finally be fulfilled.
No need therefore to consult anyone else on how to make love blossom or
rekindle an old flame. No one in the world is better placed than you to succeed, as
you are the one who knows, wants and loves that person.

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