Wednesday, August 31, 2011

If your sign is AQUARIUS and you were born between ...

January 21 to 25: your angel is called UMABEL. In general terms, this angel watches over friendships, communal life and also journeys. You can invoke him, even if you weren’t born during this period, if you want to put an end to a distressing loneliness or if you are planning to travel. Attribute: God over all things.

January 26 to 30: your angel is called IAHHEL. In general terms, this angel inspires positive thoughts and facilitates the transmission of knowledge. You can invoke him, even if you weren’t born during this period, if you are a teacher or if your mind has been invaded by negative ideas. Attribute: Supreme being.

January 31 to February 4: your angel is called ANAUEL. In general terms, this angel defends you from accidents. You can invoke him, even if you weren’t born during this period, if you are embarking on something hazardous. Attribute: Infinitely good God.

February 5 to 9: your angel is called MEHIEL. In general terms, this angel keeps troubles at bay and gives you a good rapport with animals. You can invoke him, even if you weren’t born during this period, if you are a vet or animal breeder or if you are tormented by worries for no apparent reason. Attribute: God who breathes life into all things.

February 10 to 14: your angel is called DAMABIAH. In general terms, this angel defends you from evil spirits and he also protects travellers. You can invoke him, even if you weren’t born during this period, if you believe there is curse on you or if you are travelling in dangerous countries. Attribute: Divine Fount of Wisdom.

February 15 to 19: your angel is called MANAKEL. In general terms, this angel helps you to sleep and inspires sweet dreams. He also looks after people with a job in fishing. Attribute: God who supports and maintains all things.

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