Saturday, August 6, 2011

Astrological signs and luck

If your astrological sign is Aries
Fortune smiled on you at birth and gave you the kind of assets
that enable you to seek out the smallest piece of luck, in places
that are often inaccessible to others. Furthermore, you are not
afraid to aim high and you do this with such enthusiasm that you
are able to “force the hand” of luck. You are not one of those
people who are always saying “I’m unlucky.” Your strength lies
in the fact that you want to believe you are lucky, to the point of
convincing yourself that you are lucky, and this is what brings
you luck.
However, you have one major drawback: you refuse to learn from
experience. Your impulsiveness makes you treat each experience
like a new one, so that you often make the same mistakes, without
realising they could have been avoided if you had only taken the
time to think about it.
Even so, you like to take risks and you work on the principle that
“Fortune favours the brave.” And you are not entirely wrong since
it certainly seems to work in your case. However, you would be
even more successful if you could get rid of the dreadful habit of
putting yourself in impossible situations.

If your astrological sign is Taurus
With Venus as your planetary ruler, your principal assets as far as
luck is concerned are shock and charm. Of course, since you are
always slightly skeptical, you usually deny having any advantages
in this respect.
However, I’m afraid you do! But yours is a discreet kind of luck
that occurs on a regular basis and, although you don’t experience
startling strokes of luck, it does protect you from misfortune.
You are also something of a doubting Thomas and only believe
what you can see, touch and feel. So you find it extremely difficult
to accept that luck has played a part in your life since luck is, by
definition, abstract and therefore intangible.
Furthermore, because you are naturally cautious, you prefer not
to rely on a factor that you consider too unpredictable and which
could jeopardise your plans. According to you, only common
sense and reason have never let you down. Finally, and above all,
you are hard working and instinctively suspicious of anything
that comes too easily. You only value things that are acquired
with a great deal of effort and patience.
This is why you don’t usually make any attempt to be lucky and,
when luck is within your grasp, you can easily pass it by, that is
when you don’t simply refuse to take the opportunity. Fortunately,
luck doesn’t hold this against you, and knocks at your door more
often than at most people’s!

If your astrological sign is Gemini
There is absolutely no doubt that you are lucky, even extremely
lucky, and that luck plays with you as you play with it. You are
made to get along since you are both gamblers by nature.
For you, the important thing is not winning but playing. That is
what you find most exciting. You like to defy luck, as if you
didn’t care about the good fortune it brings you. That’s your attitude
towards luck!
It is therefore hardly surprising that your relationship with luck
is something of a roller-coaster affair. But you are a good loser,
and do not complain unduly when luck appears to be selling you
short. You can usually laugh at your defeats and are quick to forget
them. This means that you have barely recovered from your
losses or fears than you are once again playing another daring
game of “double or quits.”
Unfortunately, sooner or later you have to face the unpalatable
fact that luck always has the last word. But then, at the height of
your misfortune, you are like a cat that always falls on its feet.
And this is your most valuable asset!

If your astrological sign is Cancer
Fortune smiled on you at birth and gave you a major asset: the
intuition that enables you to seek out the smallest piece of luck.
And this is why destiny periodically sends you messages in the
form of premonitory dreams, intuitions, attractions and aversions
that you would be well advised to follow to the letter.
Unfortunately, over the years, education and society dull this intuition
which becomes less effective, especially when you try to
rationalise it. You also have great difficulty in separating your
dreams from reality, which is why you sometimes make mistakes.
Added to the fact that you tend to be traumatised by failure, it is
easy to understand why you find it difficult to remember that you
have this trump card up your sleeve.
And yet, you do have it. All you have to do is try not to rationalise
your impulses and to recapture some of your childhood spontaneity,
and you will once again be able to see your way clearly
along the path of good fortune!

If your astrological sign is Leo
People born under this sign are considered to be extremely lucky
by nature. And this is perfectly true. But since it is often “better
to let well alone” this plentiful supply of luck tends to make you
wasteful and you ask too much of luck as if you believed its sole
purpose was to be at your beck and call.
This means that, although you start out with a generous supply of
luck, because you use it extravagantly, it inevitably begins to run
out. This is even more serious since, with or without luck, you
like to play the hero by putting yourself in dangerous situations
simply to prove how brave you are. Furthermore, since your
congenital idealism also makes you set your sights extremely high,
it is quite possible that you fail to achieve your goals without
misfortune being remotely responsible for your failure.
Added to the fact that your generosity makes you share everything
you have, luck included, it is easy to understand how your supply
of luck, however large, is quickly used up by the very nature of
your character. But when that happens, your pride takes over,
and you manage to convince people that you are extremely lucky,
whether or not this is the case!

If your astrological sign is Virgo
Contrary to what you may believe, you are lucky. But yours is a
discreet, almost timid kind of luck that recoils from making a
great display of its favours. And since you are one of those people
who are convinced that the less you say about luck, the more you
have, you are careful not to admit to being lucky. You even enjoy
talking about your minor misfortunes as if, in so doing, you were
outwitting destiny!
So, does this mean you are cunning? Probably up to a point since,
in the absence of luck in the accepted sense, you are able to rely
on your exceptional powers of analysis which enable you to do
without chance. Foreseeing the unforeseeable is your favourite
pastime! And this is what prevents you from committing many
unwise actions that make those who do say they are unlucky!
You rarely rely on luck in order to succeed, but that doesn’t prevent
you excelling in the calculation of probabilities. Like a skilled
chess player, you don’t risk your pawns unnecessarily, and you
retreat as soon as the risks become too great. By adopting this
approach, you may miss out on luck, but you would rather run
that risk than entrusting your life to chance.

If your astrological sign is Libra
With Venus as your planetary ruler, you already have an
undeniable advantage when it comes to luck. But you often appear
to be uninterested, as if you didn’t realise the importance of the
gift you have been given. Perhaps you think of it as quite natural,
and enjoy it without giving it much thought.
But then, it is not in your nature to overdo things and, even if you
do have a great deal of luck, you are careful not to abuse it! Sometimes
you even take diplomacy to the point of pretending not to
be lucky so that those less lucky than yourself do not envy you.
But then, you are confident by nature and it wouldn’t enter your
head that destiny could wish you ill, or that luck wouldn’t come
your way. And even if you didn’t have your own luck, which is
extremely unlikely, you have the wonderful gift of being able to
take advantage of the luck of those around you. This is an asset
that reinforces or replaces what destiny originally allotted you in
this respect.
There is no doubt that you are well equipped to be successful in
all areas, and fortune will always smile on you, directly or indirectly.

If your astrological sign is Scorpio
When you were born, Fortune was in a strange mood. Rather
than give you luck in the accepted sense, it preferred to give you
willpower, i.e. the wherewithal and the ability to snatch your share
of good fortune from destiny. This explains your will to succeed,
your assertiveness and your strange magnetism.
With or without luck, you are far from being defenceless in the
face of adversity since you have been given an instinct that is
worth all the luck in the world, an instinct that tells you where
and when to take advantage of the right opportunities. However,
you sometimes deliberately destroy this gift when you adopt the
dangerously self-destructive attitude which prevents you
appreciating the good and pleasant things that life is offering you.
It is also a pity that you use your remarkable perspicacity to play
“cops and robbers “ with luck, with yourself in the role of the
robber since you prefer to steal your moments of happiness from
life rather than owing them to luck.
Admit it, it’s not a question of being lucky or unlucky that makes
you fly in the face of fate by always pushing back the limits of
possibility a little further, just to see how far you can go. It is this
attitude, and not luck, that is the real cause of your resounding
failures. You would be well advised to remember that luck does
not like to be defied.

If your astrological sign is Sagittarius
If you were born under the sign of Sagittarius you are, by nature,
extremely lucky since your planetary ruler is the major influence
Jupiter. However, when you are told this, you always express
reservations and refuse to see that it is you who are refusing to
take advantage of the favours offered to you by destiny, favours
offered in great profusion because your sign is Sagittarius. Because
you find it quite natural, you do not realise that you are not taking
as much advantage as you should of the generous gift that Fortune
offered you at birth!
Luck waits for you to stop theorising and transform your ideas
into concrete actions before manifesting itself. You are by nature
extremely ambitious, but like all those who are over-confident in
life, you have a tendency to rely on circumstances and other people
to achieve your ambitions. It should, however, be said that your
attitude often has positive results since, because you don’t envisage
the possibility of failure, you always assume you will be
successful. This is a method that sometimes pays off, but not
You will obviously obtain a lot more from destiny if you remember
the saying: “Fortune helps those who help themselves”!

If your astrological sign is Capricorn
You have a very ambiguous relationship with luck. Your pride
forbids you to rely on it and your rational mind refuses to believe
in any form of chance. But, like everyone else, you have deep
within you a trace of irrationality that hopes luck will be on your
side from time to time, especially if you can appeal to in a logical
You should, however, remember that although people born under
this sign are capable of great success, it is not because they are
lucky but because they have an unshakeable resolve and a great
capacity for hard work. You are naturally ambitious and not only
know how to assert yourself, but also how to earn the respect and
admiration of those around you. Your serious-mindedness and
capacity for sound judgement enable you to analyse events
accurately and effectively.
Generally speaking, you are predisposed to be successful later in
life. You are also one of those people who climb the ladder of
success slowly but surely. Your caution and wariness prompt you
to choose security and stability and eliminate all elements of risk
from your life. So much so that, over the years, you have – like
many other people and perhaps even more so – forgotten that you
could, and still can, take advantage of the element of luck.

If your astrological sign is Aquarius
You have as much, if not more, luck than other people. However,
like every a good Aquarius you have a completely paradoxical
attitude towards luck: you begin by acting as if you were convinced
that you didn’t have any, and end up behaving as if you had. This
is why you buy a lottery ticket proclaiming that you don’t for a
minute believe that you will ever win anything at games of chance!
Fortunately for you, there is a world of difference between what
you say and what you do in this respect. You should remember
that you have some very real assets that enable you to create a
great many lucky opportunities. For example, your sense of
friendship enables you to take advantage, if you use this natural
gift wisely, of a vast reserve of practical support. But you often
refuse to call upon your friends, preferring to give rather than
receive. This is why, when luck occurs in your life, you cannot
help sharing its favours with those closest to you. Although this is
to your credit, it explains why you are perhaps not as successful
as you could be or deserve to be. Furthermore, although you are
not short of potentially successful ideas, they are often
unachievable because they are too revolutionary and too avantgarde.
To sum up, it is possible to say that, although you are an
iconoclastic anarchist when it comes to thinking and talking about
luck, you are one of those people who, more than anyone else,
help to make the fortune of the bookmakers and the gaming
industry since you believe that one day or another your winning
formula will come up with the jackpot!

If your astrological sign is Pisces
It is often said that Pisceans have frequent encounters with luck,
more so than any other astrological sign! This is undoubtedly
why you tend, more than any other sign, to rely on others and on
chance to obtain what you want from life. This also enables you
not to feel responsible for the misfortunes you seem to attract, in
much the same way as bees are drawn to a honey pot.
This does not prevent you having a sixth sense that enables you
to predict things (good and bad) and, put to good use, this asset
can give you a distinct advantage over others. It is a shame that
you sometimes refuse to make use of it, apparently preferring to
be pitied for being unlucky rather than envied for having too much
The sign in which the Master of Good Fortune Jupiter was located on the day you were born provides valuable information on the role that luck plays in your life and on your predisposition for being fortunate.
Jupiter is associated with further education, philosophical thinking, the Church, the Law, opportunity and the future. It is the planet of luck, good fortune and opportunity.

For more precise details on dates of birth that overlap two different signs, consult an astronomical almanac.

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