Monday, August 8, 2011

Jupiter in signs 2

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Aries
Luck always enters your life like a bolt from the blue. And because
it can be excessive in both quality and quantity, you tend to
experience some breathtaking ups and downs. When you are in a
‘lucky period’, you are generous with your luck and share it with
those around you. This makes you popular with others and enables
you to benefit from their good fortune when your own luck is in
short supply. In this way, your enthusiasm and optimism are as
much an integral part of your potential for luck as luck itself!

Salvador Dali, Bing Crosby, Oscar Wilde, Gregory Peck, and
Marlene Dietrich all have or had Jupiter in the sign of Aries in
their birth chart.

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Taurus
When luck enters your life, it always does so a little at a time and
in a very tangible way. This means you are more likely to win
small amounts more frequently than come up on the jackpot. Your
luck does not occur in a very original way, and certainly not in an
outrageous manner. In fact, you have usually prepared the ground,
and have invested a great deal of time and effort in encouraging
luck to enter your life. This is why you often say that people get
the luck they deserve. When it is there, you know how to make
the most of it, eking it out and even holding onto it.

Gandhi, Bruce Lee, John Lennon, Aristotle Onassis, Pablo Picasso
and Ringo Starr all have or had Jupiter in the sign of Taurus in
their birth chart.

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Gemini
When luck enters your life, it is always in an original way. Or at
least this is how you see Lady Luck and how you describe the
part luck plays in you life. You don’t want the ordinary kind of
luck, but an unusual kind, the kind that can change the monotony
of your everyday routine. This explains why luck can enter your
life at any time, in any way, often in the form of a passing idea or
fancy. Your luck is also usually generated by your own intelligence
and your interaction with other people. You are able to give new
impetus to your ideas and put them into practice, making them
work to your own advantage.

Indira Gandhi, Grace Kelly and Barbara Streisand all have or had
Jupiter in the sign of Gemini in their birth chart.

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Cancer
When luck enters your life, it is always accompanied by an
intensity of emotion, and usually occurs within your family
environment, which is either the cause or the consequence of what
can be regarded as the lucky periods in your life. For you, being
lucky often has the same significance as being in love, loving and
being loved. The luck in your life is also closely linked to your
imagination, not to say your faith in yourself and in luck. To put it
plainly, you force luck to be generous towards you by believing
in it or, which amounts to the same thing, by being firmly
convinced that you are lucky. By contrast, a lack of confidence
in this respect can eliminate luck from your life altogether.

Sir Laurence Olivier, Harry Truman, Mark Twain and Margot
Fonteyn all have or had Jupiter in the sign of Cancer in their birth

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Leo
Luck always enters your life with great enthusiasm. It is a joyful,
noisy, generous and proud kind of luck, so much so that it gives
the impression that you have the monopoly on all the luck in the
world. By contrast, when you are in an ‘unlucky period’, you are
the most desolate person on earth and believe, rightly or wrongly,
that you are the victim of the unjust machinations of destiny.
Your kind of luck is usually the result of your own daring, which
means that when you act boldly, or better still demand and
command, luck cannot refuse you anything. In the same way, it
is at your service when you are being imaginatively creative and
are prepared to venture off the beaten track.

Bette Davis, Mick Jagger, Nelson Rockefeller and Elizabeth
Taylor all have or had Jupiter in the sign of Leo in their birth

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Virgo
Luck always enters your life in a very controlled manner. It filters
gently into your life without creating waves, rather as if you had
foreseen its intervention, which you are quite capable of doing!
It is a discreet kind of luck, and usually occurs in the form of a
reward: for work well done or a responsibility assumed.
Remember that, generally speaking, it only occurs when you have
demonstrated your practical ability and had a certain amount of
confidence in yourself. It will also be less generous with its favours
if your life is disordered, since lucky opportunities will only be
offered to you in a calm and orderly environment governed by
logic and method.

Mia Farrow, Mickey Rooney and General George Patton all have
or had Jupiter in the sign of Virgo in their birth chart.

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Libra
Luck always enters your life in a controlled and orderly manner.
It very often occurs when you demonstrate your artistic creativity
or try to improve your living environment. It can also prove
generous when you embark upon a romantic or business relationship.
Remember that it is when you act in a spirit of fairness
and conciliation that you give luck good reason to enter your

Paul Cézanne, Henry Ford, Jacques Cousteau, Sophia Loren, Liza
Minelli, Brigitte Bardot and Martin Luther all have or had Jupiter
in the sign of Libra in their birth chart.

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Scorpio
When someone with your birth sign is lucky, it is always in a way
that other people find surprising. However, as far as you are
concerned, you consider it quite natural to be lucky since you have
done everything in your power to encourage luck to enter your
life. It is when you are curious and when you rely on your own
instinct that luck is generous towards you. Remember that you
also need to overcome your fears and control your taste for secrets
and “innuendo “ if you want luck to offer you a good many valuable

Sir Laurence Olivier, Harry Truman and Françoise Sagan all have
or had Jupiter in the sign of Scorpio in their birth chart.

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Sagittarius
Luck always enters your life joyfully, after a particularly bold and
splendid action. Your kind of luck needs optimism and sociability
in order to express itself. Sadness and solitude will keep it at arm’s
length! Luck is also generous to you when you are tolerant and
prepared to travel and communicate. Luck, your kind of luck, likes
to make you famous and bring you into contact with new ideas
and countries. It likes you to be athletic or at least dynamic, and
will do its utmost to enable you to develop in these fields.

Maria Callas, Maurice Chevalier, Charlton Heston, Sidney Poitier,
Robert Redford, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and Woody Allen all
have or had Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius in their birth chart.

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Capricorn
When luck enters your life, it is always discreet and well deserved.
Your kind of luck needs caution, effort and hard work in order to
express itself. It offers you the best opportunities when you are
prepared to demonstrate your authority and fight to achieve your
ambitions. Often, you don’t take full advantage of what luck offers
you, preferring to seek refuge in solitude and mistrust rather than
simply and openly taking advantage of what life has to offer. It is
as if you resented yourself for owing some kind of advantage to
something other than painstaking effort.

Warren Beatty, Albert Camus, Dustin Hoffman, Rudyard Kipling,
Richard Burton, Paul Newman, Peter Sellers, Walt Disney, Alain
Delon and Charlie Chaplin all have or had Jupiter in the sign of
Capricorn in their birth chart.

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Aquarius
Luck always enters your life in an original and unexpected – and
even a provocative and shocking – manner, since it is when you
are rebellious, when you ignore routine and take risks that luck is
generous towards you. Lucky opportunities also occur as a result
of friendship and philanthropic actions. But it is when you live
resolutely for the future that you are offered the very best in life!

Isadora Duncan, Alec Guiness, Marilyn Monroe, Hermann
Melville, Albert Einstein and Diana Princess of Wales all have
or had Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius in their birth chart.

If, on the day you were born, Jupiter was in the sign of Pisces
When luck enters your life, it is always in a gentle and even a
romantic manner, often occurring after acts of generosity
involving love, devotion and compassion. It is, in fact, when you
give free rein to your sensitivity that life gives you the best it has
to offer. Remember that your kind of luck is more spiritual than
material and that seeking money for money’s sake usually reduces
the chance of lucky opportunities.

Sigmund Freud, Edgar Allan Poe, Frank Sinatra, Sarah Bernhardt,
Abraham Lincoln, and Michael Jordan (the basketball champion)
all have or had Jupiter in the sign of Pisces in their birth chart.

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