Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jupiter in signs

The sign in which the Master of Good Fortune Jupiter was located on the day you were born provides valuable information on the role that luck plays in your life and on your predisposition for being fortunate. Jupiter is associated with further education, philosophical thinking, the Church, the Law, opportunity and the future. It is the planet of luck, good fortune and opportunity. Use the following table to find out in which sign this lucky planet was located on the day you were born.

For more precise details on dates of birth that overlap two different signs, consult an astronomical almanac.

Birthdate Jupiter was in this sign:
12-10-1909 to 12-11-1910 Libra
12-11-1910 to 11-12-1911 Scorpio
11-12-1911 to 02-01-1913 Sagittarius
02-01-1913 to 22-01-1914 Capricorn
22-01-1914 to 04-02-1915 Aquarius
04-02-1915 to 12-02-1916 Pisces
12-02-1916 to 26-06-1916 Aries
26-06-1916 to 16-10-1916 Taurus
26-10-1916 to 13-02-1917 Aries
13-02-1917 to 29-06-1917 Taurus
29-06-1917 to 14-07-1918 Gemini
14-07-1918 to 03-08-1919 Cancer
03-08-1919 to 28-08-1920 Leo
28-08-1920 to 26-09-1921 Virgo
26-09-1921 to 26-10-1922 Libra
26-10-1922 to 25-11-1923 Scorpio
25-11-1923 to 18-12-1924 Sagittarius
18-12-1924 to 06-01-1926 Capricorn
06-01-1926 to 18-01-1927 Aquarius
18-01-1927 to 06-06-1927 Pisces
06-06-1927 to 10-09-1927 Aries
10-09-1927 to 23-01-1928 Pisces
23-01-1928 to 04-06-1928 Aries
04-06-1928 to 12-06-1929 Taurus
12-06-1929 to 26-06-1930 Gemini
26-06-1930 to 17-07-1931 Cancer
17-07-1931 to 11-08-1932 Leo
11-08-1932 to 10-09-1933 Virgo
10-09-1933 to 11-10-1934 Libra
11-10-1934 to 09-11-1935 Scorpio
09-11-1935 to 02-12-1937 Sagittarius
02-12-1937 to 20-12-1937 Capricorn
20-12-1937 to 29-12-1938 Aquarius
29-12-1938 to 11-05-1939 Pisces
11-05-1939 to 31-10-1939 Aries
31-10-1939 to 20-12-1939 Pisces
20-12-1939 to 16-05-1940 Aries
16-05-1940 to 26-05-1941 Taurus
26-05-1941 to 10-06-1942 Gemini
10-06-1942 to 01-07-1943 Cancer
01-07-1943 to 26-07-1944 Leo
26-07-1944 to 25-08-1945 Virgo
25-08-1945 to 25-09-1946 Libra
25-09-1946 to 24-10-1947 Scorpio
24-10-1947 to 15-11-1948 Sagittarius
15-11-1948 to 12-04-1949 Capricorn
12-04-1949 to 26-06-1949 Aquarius
26-06-1949 to 30-11-1949 Capricorn
30-11-1949 to 15-04-1950 Aquarius
15-04-1950 to 15-09-1950 Pisces
15-09-1950 to 01-12-1950 Aquarius
01-12-1950 to 21-04-1951 Pisces
21-04-1951 to 28-04-1952 Aries
28-04-1952 to 09-05-1953 Taurus
09-05-1953 to 24-05-1954 Gemini
24-05-1954 to 12-06-1955 Cancer
12-06-1955 to 17-11-1955 Leo
17-11-1955 to 18-01-1956 Virgo
18-01-1956 to 07-07-1956 Leo
07-06-1956 to 13-12-1956 Virgo
13-12-1956 to 19-02-1957 Libra
19-02-1957 to 07-08-1957 Virgo
07-08-1957 to 13-01-1958 Libra
13-01-1958 to 19-03-1958 Scorpio
19-03-1958 to 07-09-1958 Libra
07-09-1958 to 10-02-1959 Scorpio
10-02-1959 to 25-04-1959 Sagittarius
25-04-1959 to 05-10-1959 Scorpio
05-10-1959 to 01-03-1960 Sagittarius
01-03-1960 to 10-06-1960 Capricorn
10-06-1960 to 26-10-1960 Sagittarius
26-10-1960 to 15-03-1961 Capricorn
15-03-1961 to 12-08-1961 Aquarius
12-08-1961 to 04-11-1961 Capricorn
04-11-1961 to 25-03-1962 Aquarius
25-03-1962 to 04-04-1963 Pisces
04-04-1963 to 07-05-1964 Aries
07-05-1964 to 22-04-1965 Taurus
22-04-1965 to 21-09-1965 Gemini
21-05-1965 to 17-11-1965 Cancer
17-11-1965 to 21-09-1965 Gemini
21-09-1965 to 17-11-1965 Cancer
17-11-1965 to 05-05-1966 Gemini
05-05-1966 to 27-09-1966 Cancer
27-09-1966 to 16-01-1967 Leo
16-01-1967 to 23-05-1967 Cancer
23-05-1967 to 19-10-1967 Leo
19-10-1967 to 26-02-1968 Virgo
26-02-1968 to 15-06-1968 Leo
15-06-1968 to 15-11-1968 Virgo
15-11-1968 to 30-03-1969 Libra
30-03-1969 to 15-07-1969 Virgo
15-07-1969 to 16-12-1969 Libra
16-12-1969 to 30-04-1970 Scorpio
30-04-1970 to 15-08-1970 Libra
15-08-1970 to 14-01-1971 Scorpio
14-01-1971 to 05-06-1971 Sagittarius
05-06-1971 to 11-09-1971 Scorpio
11-09-1971 to 06-02-1972 Sagittarius
06-02-1972 to 24-07-1972 Capricorn
24-07-1972 to 25-09-1972 Sagittarius
25-09-1972 to 23-02-1973 Capricorn
23-02-1973 to 08-03-1974 Aquarius
08-03-1974 to 18-03-1975 Pisces
18-03-1975 to 26-03-1976 Aries
26-03-1976 to 23-08-1976 Taurus
23-08-1976 to 16-10-1976 Gemini
16-10-1976 to 03-04-1977 Taurus
03-04-1977 to 20-08-1977 Gemini
20-08-1977 to 30-12-1977 Cancer
31-12-1977 to 11-04-1978 Gemini
11-04-1978 to 05-09-1978 Cancer
05-09-1978 to 28-02-1979 Leo
28-02-1979 to 20-04-1979 Cancer
20-04-1979 to 29-09-1979 Leo
29-09-1979 to 27-10-1980 Virgo
27-10-1980 to 27-11-1980 Libra
27-11-1980 to 26-12-1982 Scorpio
26-12-1982 to 19-01-1984 Sagittarius
19-01-1984 to 06-02-1985 Capricorn
06-02-1985 to 20-02-1986 Aquarius
20-02-1986 to 02-03-1987 Pisces
02-03-1987 to 08-03-1988 Aries
08-03-1988 to 21-07-1988 Taurus
21-07-1988 to 30-11-1988 Gemini
30-11-1988 to 11-03-1989 Taurus
11-03-1989 to 30-07-1989 Gemini
30-07-1989 to 18-08-1990 Cancer
18-08-1990 to 12-09-1991 Leo
2-09-1991 to 10-10-1992 Virgo
10-10-1992 to 10-11-1993 Libra
10-11-1993 to 09-12-1994 Scorpio
09-12-1994 to 03-01-1996 Sagittarius
03-01-1996 to 21-01-1997 Capricorn
21-01-1997 to 04-02-1998 Aquarius
04-02-1998 to 13-02-1999 Pisces
13-02-1999 to 28-06-1999 Aries
28-06-1999 to 22-10-1999 Taurus
22-10-1999 to 14-02-2000 Aries
14-02-2000 to 30-06-2000 Taurus
30-06-2000 to 13-07-2001 Gemini
13-07-2001 to 01-08-2002 Cancer
01-08-2002 to 27-08-2003 Leo
27-08-2003 to 25-09-2004 Virgo
25-09-2004 to 26-10-2005 Libra
26-10-2005 to 24-11-2006 Scorpio

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