Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SVADHISTANA or Sacral Chakra

This is called Svadhistana or the Sacral Chakra. It’s located at the level of the stomach, about 3 finger widths below the belly button. It’s linked to the ovaries or testicles.

It corresponds to the WATER element, source of all biological life, and the sense of taste. Water fertilizes and brings forth new life. Thanks to the sacral chakra, we can tap into fertile energies, receptive of nature.

Water is also a purifying element that dissolves or carries away everything that causes a blockage. On the physical level, this translates as detoxification and elimination through the kidneys and bladder. On the psychic level, this chakra performs the function of letting go, when you let go of your experiences, feelings, allowing you live spontaneously, constantly renewed and invigorated.

This chakra corresponds to the past, family, procreation, sensuality and the pleasures of life (food, etc.). It is through this chakra that we ‘feel’ the sacred aspect of life. This chakra has a profound impact on the quality of our relations with others, and particularly with the opposite sex. It serves to drive our ongoing interaction with others and powerfully conditions our relationships and emotions.

If this chakra is open and functioning harmoniously:

We adapt to the natural pace of life and emotional changes with ease. We are open and natural in our dealings with others and particularly with the opposite sex.

Sexual union with a loved one gives us an opportunity to join in the vibratory dance of the masculine energies (yang) and feminine energies (yin) of Creation. We live in harmony with nature and progress towards emotional fulfilment.

We feel a current of joyous life coursing through our bodies and minds; thus we feel an integral part of Creation and life never ceases to amaze and inspire us. Our feelings are spontaneous and our actions are creative; they ‘fertilize’ both our own life and the lives of those around us.

If it is dysfunctional:

This origin of this dysfunction often goes back to early childhood, frequently emerging around puberty. The awakening of our sexuality has a destabilising effect because our parents and teachers are rarely capable of telling us how to use these energies. If, on top of this, the person has experienced a lack of love and affection, they will ten to develop a gradual negation or refusal of their sexuality.

This may take the form of an exaggerated sexual imagination, or a tendency to let off steam that will, sooner or later, break this inhibition. Another possible consequence may be the use of sexuality as a ‘drug’, which means the creative urge may be incorrectly channelled. Both cases will lead to profound insecurity and a stressful attitude towards the opposite sex. The sensuality is quite underdeveloped and the person tends to prioritise the satisfaction of their own sexual needs above everything else, without concerning themselves for the pleasure of their partner, which has the effect of isolating them in the love relationship.

Often, people with an imbalanced sacral chakra simply aspire to achieve a satisfying sexual relationship without realising that the reason for their failure to do so lies within themselves. Having lost the naturalness and innocence of contact with their sexual energies, they close the door, originally open, of their own creativity, losing the childish amazement in the face of the miracles of life.

The Sacral energetic centre also corresponds to the domain of absorption and elimination; this is the chakra of giving and receiving on all human levels. On the physical level: digestion and metabolism, on the emotional level: the gift of self and the acceptance of others, on the mental level: the assimilation and sharing of knowledge.
If this chakra is unbalanced, the natural movement of giving and the receiving of gifts will be hampered.

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