Saturday, April 16, 2011

AJNA or Brow Chakra

This is called Ajna or the brow chakra and is the famous ‘third eye’. It is located around the middle of the forehead, just above the nose. It is linked to the hypophys gland and corresponds to the element ether (Akasha). This chakra represents ‘life vision’: self-awareness, judgement, creative imagination, clarity and unity.

The third eye is the seat of all processes by which we increase our awareness. Its action allows us to create new situations, new realities, in the physical and material world, but also to "dissolve" old realities that have become obsolete and outdated. For the great majority of people, however, this process is automatic, and goes on without us being aware of it. Most of the thoughts that determine our existence are governed by our emotional conditioning, blocked and programmed by our prejudices and by the prejudices of others.

So, our intellect, our mind, is not the master, but rather the servant of the emotionally charged thoughts over which we have little control. However, these thoughts become reality, in the proper sense, in our life, since what we perceive and live on an external level is ultimately a manifestation of our inner, subjective reality.

With the progressive opening of the 3rd eye, we can become better able to direct this process of the development of our awareness. Our imagination expands as we have the ingenuity and energy to carry out an idea or fulfil a wish. The knowledge we need comes to us in the form of intuition, clairvoyance or any other extra-sensory perception. Everything that previously we were only very vaguely aware of becomes a clear and accurate perception.

If this chakra is open and fully developed:

This is extremely rare and only really applies to initiates or the spiritually awakened. When it does happen, the individual has an excellent capacity for visualisation and understands many things intuitively. Mind and intellect have no problem achieving focus while at the same time remaining open to all mystical truths. The person becomes more and more aware that the external appearance of a thing is just an image, a symbol through which the spiritual principle is manifest on the material level. Idealism and imagination drive thought. They know what to do to ensure the spontaneous realisation of their ideas.

The more developed the brow chakra, the more thought rests on a direct inner knowledge of reality, and the more we are guided by reliable intuition. Our perception of the world changes totally, we exceed the narrow limits of mental reasoning. Our knowledge process spontaneously integrates all information received. The material world becomes transparent because extra-sensorial perception enables us to see the forces at work behind the façade of appearances. Intuition and inner vision give access to all the subtle levels of reality, spiritual faculties and psychic powers develop.

If it is dysfunctional:

This generally results in us being ‘big-headed’. This is a person who lives almost exclusively on their intellect and reason. But by wanting to resolve everything with the powers of the mind, we only accept truths transmitted by our rational thoughts. Our intellectual faculties may be highly developed and our powers of analysis may be acute, but we lack a synthetic overall vision and have no potential to integrate everything into one cosmic context.

It’s not unusual for such a person to display false intellectual arrogance; for them, information only counts if it makes sense to the mind and can be verified using scientific methods. They reuse spiritual knowledge because it isn’t scientific and so is ‘unreal’. They tend to try to influence people and thing with the force of thoughts, as a way of showing their power or of meeting their personal, selfish needs. In general, an attitude such as this coincides with an imbalance of the solar chakra and poor development of the heart chakra.

If the cosmic energy flows are partially interrupted in the 6th chakra, the person will be entirely dominated by material desires, physical needs and rash emotions. They see topics of a spiritual nature are boring and pointless. They reject spiritual truths because they are based, according to them, on imagination or they see them as absurd, sterile dreams, without any practical application. Their thoughts turn in favour of dominant opinions. They risk falling into a profound nihilism that is the reflection of their failure to realise their grand ideas and utopias. But this failure is not the fault of the world or those around them, it is always they themselves who attract such situations.

In situations of extreme stress, they can easily lose control. They are easily distracted. In extreme cases, their thoughts become confused, vague and totally dominated by their repressed emotional figures.

In summary, the brow chakra is unbalanced: if you lack judgement, if you can’t choose between options, if you often lose track of reality and cannot draw on your intuition, if your outlook in life is too negative, if you can’t ‘visualise’ happy situations or use creative imagination, if you don’t know your own resources or true character.

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