Monday, April 11, 2011

MULADHARA or Root Chakra

Hindu tradition calls this the Muladhara, or root chakra. It’s located between the coccyx and the sacrum, at the level of the perineum in men and the neck of the uterus in women. This chakra is linked to the suprarenal glands, it is linked to the EARTH element and the function of touch.

We are linked to the material world through the root chakra, which channels the universal cosmic energy towards the physical level while at the same time receiving energy from the Earth through the conduit of the minor chakras located on the soles of the feet. The basic needs of life and survival on our planet fall within the sphere of action of this chakra. It controls our material being, our physical relationship with our earthly environment.

If this chakra is open and operating harmoniously:

We feel a profound link with the earth and its creatures, a vital and unlimited force, stability in ourselves and in life, inner strength and satisfaction.

We feel part of the natural cycle of life, in the alternation between rest and activity, between death and rebirth.

We have no problems at all achieving the goals we set ourselves. Life is characterised by fundamental and unfailing confidence. We see the earth as a resource that will give us everything we need: material goods, food, protection and security.

If it is dysfunctional (chakra ‘blocked’ to a greater or lesser extent:

Thoughts and actions centre around possession, material security, pleasure, excitement of the senses: good food, alcohol, sex, etc.

You are driven to satisfy your heart’s every whim, immediately and instantly, without thinking of the consequences that might entail.
Our behaviour is basically orientated towards meeting our own needs. Subconsciously, we ignore the needs of others and those of our own body (a healthy and moderate diet, enough sleep, a balanced lifestyle, etc.). Wanting to impose your own wishes and ideas at any cost is characteristic of a ‘dysfunctional’ root chakra.

To summarise, the root chakra is ‘unbalanced’: if you are suffering from insecurity, if you can’t fully express your sexuality, if you are living in a context that doesn’t suit you, if you have money problems or issues bringing your plans to fruition.

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