Sunday, March 20, 2011

What is a magic square?

You must realise that in esoteric knowledge the magic square accumulates the symbolic force of the square with the power of the numbers. As such it has the characteristic of capturing and diffusing waves which, whether they are beneficent or maleficent, can substantially alter the course of events.

The science of magic squares is so ancient that we don’t really know when it came into being, any more than we know who deserves the credit for it. The principle of it can be found in all civilisations, whether western or eastern. Its symbolism is often religious, and Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, or virtaully all the great religious movements mention it being practised to some extent. Thus Lao Tseu speaks of a magic square (that of the first 9 numbers) he saw drawn on the shell of a tortoise emerging in front of him from the River LO. He called it LO-SHU. That square is the basis of Feng Shui which is frequently referred to nowadays.

Gradually over the centuries esoteric knowledge concerning magic squares took on different forms. Very quickly the ancients became aware that  the powers of magic square were heightened when the numbers were replaced by letters. Then the numerical value of each of the letters of the first name and surname of the person to be protected by the letters (Roman, Greek or Hebrew) was placed in the appropriate boxes, in the knowledge that each of the letters of these different alphabets has its numerical equivalent. This means that multiple combinations are possible. They are all defined by strict codes, handed down by word of mouth as often as not, but they can also be found described in manuals of magic (Le Grand and Le Petit Albert for example). In my case, I was able to gain knowledge of the power of magic squares by coming across a very old manuscript by chance in a library bequeathed by my father’s father. I’ve been told that it had been found long ago in the debris of an old manor house in Brittany which had been left to wrack and ruin. This precious parchment had miraculously survived a fire, the vagaries of the weather and the wear of time. It was written in a mixture of Latin and old French, and it took me a long time to decipher it. The first lines taught me that this manuscript was part of a larger book entitled:


Although it was incomplete, I immediately realised the importance of these revelations. I very soon put its advice into practice and as a result my life took a much brighter turn for the better.

Now it is your turn to benefit from the Secret Revelations in that manuscript. You will have no difficulty in doing so since I have retranscribed its advice in simple, easily accessible language. Nonetheless, I would ask you to treat this booklet which contains 7 extremely powerful pentacles with respect. Among those 7, there is one which, let me tell you again, is quite particularly destined for you. You should know that the others are far from being superfluous since they will very shortly be of use to you in making a special wish come true.

Always bear in mind when you are handling this booklet that each of the 7 pentacles it contains has powers that should be properly channeled, as otherwise they may turn against  you.

There should be no question of leaving it lying around just anywhere, nor must you let it fall into the hands of just anybody, especially into unfriendly hands! Nor should there be any question, if you no longer want to avail yourself of it, of throwing it into any old rubbish bin.
You should be aware that only fire can exorcise its powers. So if  you can’t reduce it to ashes yourself, please be good enough to return it to me, and I will take care of doing so for you!

So what is so special about a magic square? At first sight, I grant you, it looks like a  simple grid  of numbers!

Looking more carefully at each of these 7 magic squares (pages 9 and 10), you will very quickly notice that the quantity of numbers offered by each square is always the square of a number. Thus the simplest of the magic squares with a grid in which the first 9 numbers appear is the square of 3 (3 x 3 = 9). Then we have the square of 4 which gives the numbers from 1 to 16 (4 x 4 = 16), followed by the square with 25 numbers (5 x 5 = 25), that to 36 numbers (6 x 6 = 36), that with 49 numbers (7 x 7 = 49), that with 64 numbers (8 x 8 = 64) and finally that with 81 numbers (9 x 9 = 81). In esoteric knowledge it is usual to consider these 7 magic squares and only these, and you will understand why later on.

If a magic square confined itself to putting numbers in the little boxes of a square, there would be nothing to get excited about. However, when we notice that  the sum of the numbers appearing respectively in the horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines of each square comes to the same total, we are more inclined to be surprised. They add up to 15 for all the lines in the square with 9 numbers, 34 for the one with 16; 65 for the one with 25; 111 for the one with 36; 175 for the one with 49; 260 for the one with 64 and 369 for the one with 81.

If you have any doubts, add up the numbers in each of  the lines in the magic square with 81 boxes, for example. Then, if you think it’s easy to arrange them like that, try to fill in the numbers from 1 to 81 in a grid of 9 x 9 boxes yourself, from memory. You will very soon discover that you find it impossible to come up with the total I’ve just given you for all the lines, namely 369. Thus it is obvious that the arrangement of the figures in each magic square is subject to a very special arrangement. That mathematical pattern has been the object of in-depth research. We find it being used in the building of the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt, as well as in that of the mediaeval cathedrals.

Researchers and celebrated mathematicians have studied the question of magic squares and have come to the following conclusion: they are the emanation of ancient knowledge intimately connected to the rhythms of the cosmos. That is why magic squares are valuable tools used by by all branches of esoteric science when it is a matter of penetrating the mysteries of the past or the future.

That is why they can also:
 * provide you with precise reference points in time and more particularly indicate to you which periods are lucky for you.
 * tell you which numbers are associated with your birth and all those that are more likely than others to make you a winner when playing games of chance.

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