Sunday, March 13, 2011

Love is the answer

In the Bible there is a commandment regarded as summing up all the Laws and Prophecies: “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF”. That commandment really is the golden rule of the Mystic Law of Wealth and Success. Serving one’s neighbour, allowing one’s heart and compassion to speak, attracts unexpected, unhoped-for rewards in return.

Do we not sometimes speak of "insolent luck" or a true "gift from heaven"? The Masters, initiates of the karmic Laws, know full well that these gifts from Providence result from an open and generous attitude towards our fellow human beings!

Whether it is a pay rise, promotion, an inheritance, a win in a game of chance, etc., all these events obey universal principles governed by the Invisible. Consequently it is possible, thanks to Magic, to attract good  luck and success into one’s life, but for these rewards to be able to increase and prosper, it is then necessary to nurture the gift of oneself and love of one’s neighbour.

Love is the normal state of human beings, the condition of perfect harmony between man and all the Laws of God and nature; it gives our thoughts wings, it brings inspiration to our work and success to our undertakings.

Follow this valuable advice: cultivate the love of your fellow human beings until your greatest desire is to make them happy. You will then automatically be drawn towards everything that is necessary for success.

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