Monday, March 28, 2011



Where does the money we possess come from?
            -           mainly from work, whether it's of a manual or intellectual nature
            -           from luck too.

  Let's consider work first.

  Apart from a few exceptions, people have to work to earn a living, whatever aptitudes, skills or talents they use to do so.

  This means that everyone is obliged to manage their time.

  This is true regardless of social milieu, expertise, level of intelligence and the methods (legal or otherwise) used to make money.

What I mean is that time governs everybody's lives.
Every human being has precisely 168 hours a week and a specific number of minutes each day.

Think about it!

  Scientists cannot create extra minutes, and even the most powerful people in the world can't exchange their wealth or power for a moment longer as they lie on their deathbed!

  All over the surface of the earth, earning a living means exchanging some of your time for something you need - money usually, but it could also be food, clothing, services, etc.

  So in reality, time is the raw material of life.

  Lots of people spend their time rushing around "arranging" their lives but never get anywhere.

  It's because they become preoccupied with things they can't do, instead of concentrating on things which are accessible to them. When they behave in this way, they seldom find themselves in the right place at the right time, and so luck and success (financial, romantic, and professional) remain elusive.

  Here is the first secret I would like to share with you: there's a time for everything, and you must pick your moment rather than leaving things to chance.

  If you make this a rule of life, you will find your income gradually and steadily increasing, as if by magic. You will then progress from the occasional reward to constant success in all aspects of your life, and especially your finances.

  People often quote that old adage "Time is money".

  This perfectly true, and complies with a powerful Cosmic Law.

  Those who learn how to plan their time can hope to acquire Wealth and Prosperity.  Just as the farmer who draws up a calendar of sowing, fertilizing and pruning in phase with the seasons can hope to harvest a rich crop of fruit, vegetables, flowers...

  Do the same yourself: get time on your side and make it your ally.

  Don't be like a child who is playing at being a farmer and digs up the seeds he's sown a few days earlier to see how they're getting on ...

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