Friday, March 4, 2011

How can we "define" Angels?

All Traditions – in the Old and the New Testament and the religious theories of Egypt, Persia, India and China – have in common a belief in beings existing a higher plane than humans.

According to traditional thought, the supreme scale of Creation is formed by beings of intangible substance, the « Angels », which are pure spirits, while mankind is a combination of matter and mind, body and soul.

The body of Angels is actually formed of vital etheric essence, vibrating at an extremely high frequency. This means that they can become visible to certain people, who have a pure heart and the gift of clairvoyance.

When this happens, their appearance is a thing of extraordinary beauty. And their presence leads us to feel an unspeakable joy because their Goodness and their Love is obvious.

Popular imagery often represents these angels with wings…is this really the case?
They really do have wings, although they are not like the wings of birds. Angels actually have two extra limbs that resemble wings.

But they don’t use these two limbs to fly, nor to move through space: they are two intense currents, two powerful rays, that supplement the etheric arms, that they can use in the Astral World (the world of feelings), in the vital Etheric World (the world of health) and in the Physical World, to dispel problems of a material nature, to surround us with favourable circumstances and lucky opportunities.

These Messengers of Light are mediators between the Universal Creator and the human beings that evolve in a world immersed in doubt and uncertainty about the future.

Symbolising our conscience, they watch over us in the many labyrinths of our existence and guide us along the Pathway of Goodness, Universal Love and Inner Harmony.

According to the teachings of Kabbalistic science there are also seventy two « cosmic powers » (or « breaths ») which designate spiritual forces spreading their power throughout all levels of Creation.

These 72 basic energies influence each and every one of us, in the same way as air and light. We need air and light to live and we can use them consciously to improve our life. We can also forget them, although this does not mean that we stop being subject to their influence.

The effect of the 72 "breaths" (or "spirits") on the spiritual level is the same as air and light. Air and light, however, are not creatures that can be invoked, in the way that we can invoke the Angels that control these 72 cosmic energies.

Moreover, human beings have three « vibratory levels »: physical, emotional and mental, spiritual.

So, to summarise, we could say that there are 72 Angels with the power to act on these vibratory levels and on the human soul.

From the time of our birth, the Universal Creator assigns Angels to help us. The role of these Angels is to watch over us, guide us, and help us through every moment of our life.

This task is an important one, which is why each individual is protected by three different Angels. So, depending on our needs or desires, we can call on the Angel able to provide the help required. These three Guardian Angels (Physical Angel, Emotional Angel, Spiritual Angel) are attributed according to our date and time of birth.

Now is a good time to explain a little more about the "language of the Angels". The hermetic sciences (which constitute the esoteric side of religions) focus more on reason than on faith, explaining to us how the Universe was constructed and why it exists.

According to these teachings, the World of Angels forms part of a vast Continent, where Mankind lived before finding itself « enclosed » within material and physical reality. The various schools of thought use different words to describe this continent; some call it the Astral World, others the World of Desire or First Heaven… But all agree that Mankind lived in such a world before entering a cycle of incarnations in the material world where we live now.

During this descent into the world of material experience, human beings, without any awareness of self, moved further and further away from their spiritual reality, until eventually they lost all contact with it…to the extent that they felt individually « free ».

As « virgin spirits » filled with cosmic potential, but without any degree of self-awareness, mankind advanced towards a material world, to discover real experience and knowledge.

Along this evolutionary path, human beings went through four stages (the 4th stage being the current one) over the course of which they gradually lost their spiritual reality and gradually became aware of their material and physical reality.

It is during this current stage that mankind has developed self-awareness, while simultaneously losing, radically and totally, its link with the first spiritual source(which gave it life).

From this moment on, re-establishing the connection with the Source of Life, with the Spiritual Beings (the Angels) who have guided them with wisdom, love and benevolence, constitutes an immense goal for mankind. 

All the more so since this goal we are setting forms part of a programme previously designed by the Angels and the Archangels when the first major principles of the Plan for the Creation of the Universe were mapped out.  This Programme sets out the basic milestones along the path human beings must inevitably follow.

So, the gaining of an awareness of his reality should enable Mankind – enable us – to set off on the journey back to the Source of Life, to achieve the same levels at which we started, when we were virgin souls, but this time with an awareness of the self (self-awareness).

When Humanity, on its descent towards the material plane, arrived at the third stage, the one before the current stage, it had passed through a phase that esotericists call the « Conscience awakened in dreams ».

For thousands of years, human beings walked the Earth without any awareness of their individual existence. In this state, they were, in some way, « manipulated » by the Angels, in the same way that we manipulate animals; the human soul was busy assimilating collective experiences.

Gradually, Mankind entered into the 4th stage, that of self-awareness. It was at this point that direct contact with the Guardian Angels was lost,(this breakdown in the communication is at the source of the myth of Adam and Eve: primitive man « driven out » of Paradise). But this journey from one world to another, from one phase of experiences to a phase of different experiences, did not take place suddenly, brutally. It was an extremely gradual process.

For a very long period of time, man remained in contact with the Astral World that it had just left. Human beings were guided by the Guardian Angels, rather in the same way as we guide our pets. The Guardian Angels acquired not only self-awareness, but also Creative Conscience; making them our masters, advisors and teachers in this phase of our evolution on Earth.

Basically, they taught us the best and most useful way to act, for ourselves, for those around us, and for the Divine Creation. This was the first help that we received from our Guardian Angels – so they know us very well.

In order to receive their advice, human beings need to return to the World that they have just left, and this journey can only take place during the night, while the body sleeps. During sleep, the « astral body » (the body of desire, emotion, the senses) of the human being is in the « astral world », and this is where it could and can – dialogue, if it so desires, with these Superior Beings, the Guardian Angels.

In truth, the different « messages » sent by the Angels for Millenniums, have enabled humanity to advance in all areas. The Angels who guided Human Beings during their time in Paradise gradually allowed our conscious minds to take over, until we eventually took over full responsibility for our Life.
This is how we came to win freedom of thought, which brings with it the famous free will that enables us to make conscious decisions.

It’s also interesting to note that ancient Hebrew uses the same word "phiaynutah" in reference to the interpretation of dreams, the discovery of profound secrets and/or the understanding of the language of the Guardian Angels. It is in our dreams that the Guardian Angels speak to us.

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