Sunday, May 25, 2014

Now visualise the person, and project your wish towards the flame...

a short moment, then read the love inducing invocation that you have previously written down by hand, on the parchment:

"I entrust you with this charm, you so powerful angel Anael, whom is the keeper of the keys
You, unique and blissful, with these cosmic prayers I invoke you
Come to me, you who have give the breathe to the universe, you who have suspended the fire of heavens ocean and separated earth from water
Receive my prayers like traces of fire
Open up, heaven! Listen to my calling, Father of the world
I invoke you by the name of Anael, you who is the keeper of the foundation
You are the sacred and strong, the name sanctified by all the angels
Listen to me, you who are sitting in the sacred sanctuary
You, lord of lightening and thunder, darkness and wind
You, holder of the divine forces of nature
You, bringer of the morning light, you who set at the west and rise at the east
Teach me the secrets of, Venus, goddess of thousand names, and the infinite powers of Mars potions
Nature trembles before you, O powerful master of the worlds 
The name of whom, opens up earth
The name of whom, make stones burst
The name of whom, frightens the demons
Accomplish for me this magic enchantment, by my invoking of you, holy angel!
Rise in my favour and accomplish for me, all my souls wishes that I reveal to you here...(speak out about your wishes)!"

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