Monday, May 26, 2014

End of the ritual

Recite the invocation seven times, with a pause in-between with a visualisation into the flame of the candle.

Then burn the parchment with the flame, keep the ashes and rub your palms with it.

Put back your hand on your knees and continue to meditate with frequent visualisations during the rest of the time (the total time of the ritual should last the whole magic hour).

During the following days, throughout a complete month, at least, you could repeat your demand many times over, making sure it's during the magic hours, of course. Day after day, the force with which your demand have been done, will work upon his/her subconscious mind, and will make its way through and bring him/her towards you.
If you have a photo of the person or a hand written message, in your possession, you can put it beneath the for him/her, consecrated candle. This will create an even stronger connection between both of you.

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