Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What are the signs of inharmonious functioning?

      The causes of malfunctioning of the Sacral Chakra are often rooted in early childhood but emerge at the time of puberty. The awakening of sexual energies is very unsettling, because parents and teachers are rarely capable of explaining how to use these energies properly. If the person has moreover been starved of tenderness and caresses, then they will tend to gradually deny or repress their sexuality, and lose the spontaneous expression of their creative potential.

   This can result in a wild sexual imagination, or sudden "outbursts" which occasionally break down these inhibitions. Another possible consequence is using sex like a "drug", in which case the creative potential is wrongly channelled. In both cases, this leads to profound insecurity and tense relations with the other sex. Sensual feeling is relatively under-developed, and the person tends to give priority to satisfying their own sexual needs, without bothering about their partner's pleasure, which has the effect of isolating them within the amorous relationship.

    Often, people whose Sacral Chakra is out of balance are only after a satisfying sexual relationship and don't realise that the fault lies squarely with them if this desire is not fulfilled. Having lost any natural and innocent kind of contact with their sexual energies, they also close the door that originally led to their own creativity, and lose that child-like wonder at the miracles of life.

   In the majority of cases, the "successful" repression of the sexual energies that emerge during puberty subsequently results in an inability to objectively asses one's own worth, a "lethargy" in one's emotions and a sexual "coldness". Life seems sad, hardly worth living.

   The Sacral energy centre is also associated with the subject of elimination and absorption. It's the chakra of "giving" and "receiving" in all human contexts. 
This means digestion and metabolism on a physical level, devotion and the acceptance of others on an emotional level, and the assimilation and sharing of knowledge on an intellectual level. If this chakra is unbalanced, it will hinder the process of "giving/accepting what is given". For example, people who are overweight "take" more than they "give", and the opposite tendency leads to anorexia.

To sum up: If the idea of "letting go" frightens you, if you are too possessive with those close to you, if you are not sufficiently "conscious" in your daily life, if you are easily influenced by other people's opinions or the collective consciousness, if you repress your emotions or don't express your sensuality fully, this means that your second chakra is out of balance.

Once this chakra has been cleared and is capturing cosmic energy properly, it endows individuals with an unusual capacity to give themselves, and to commit themselves totally to a cause often in conjunction with other people initially. It helps personal powers (like intuition, premonition, clairvoyance) to become many times stronger. The intellectual assimilation of the world is linked to the emotions and pleasure.

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