Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Crown Chakra


   This energy centre is linked to the seventh plane of consciousness, i.e. knowledge of the Divine, of the Universe, and pure intuition which prompts you to say: "I know!".
   Resulting from esoteric and spiritual tradition, "creative visualisation" is a technique which allows people to realise their desires through the creation, the fabrication of mental images (which must always be positive). In fact, visualisation allows you to "invent", to "think up" your life before turning it into a concrete reality.
    How is this possible?
    Matter is energy manifesting itself in fairly solid form, whereas thought is energy manifesting itself in a more insubstantial form. Unlike matter, thought is a subtle, mobile, swift energy. Thought always precedes materialisation. It is like a "plan" - it creates an image of a form, and this directs the flow of concrete energy into this form to materialise it on the physical plane. Similarly you can realise a mental image. The fact of creating a mental image and concentrating on it, mobilises energy which makes it possible to attract and create the corresponding form in the real world.

    Doing exercises that involve visualisation is a very useful way of supporting the development of the Crown Chakra and getting in touch with your intuition. 

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