Sunday, October 14, 2012


   This is called the Ajna or Brow Chakra, and it's the famous "third eye". It is situated just above the nose, between the eyebrows. It is linked to the pituitary gland and associated with the element Space or Ether. This chakra represents "vision of life", self-knowledge, the ability to discern, creative imagination, clarity and unity.

   The third eye is the seat of all the processes to do with expanding consciousness. Its activity enables us to create new situations, new realities in the physical and material world, and also to "dissolve" old realities because they have become obsolete, irrelevant. However, for the vast majority of people, this process is automatic and takes place without any conscious intervention. Most of the thoughts determining our lives are ruled by our rigid emotional conditioning and programmed by our own judgements and prejudices, along with those of other people.

   So our intellect, our "mind", is not always the master, but often a slave to our emotion-riddled thoughts over which we only have minimal control. However, these thoughts become realities, in the true sense, in our lives, because what we experience externally is always just a manifestation, in the end, of our subjective internal reality.

   By expanding awareness and gradually opening the "third eye", the human being becomes increasingly capable of controlling this process of raising consciousness. The imagination develops the energy required to realise an idea or a desire. Fundamental knowledge arrives via intuition, clairvoyance and all other forms of extra-sensory perception. So things that were only sensed very vaguely before, now become clear and precise perceptions.

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