Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Sacral Chakra

The negative conditioning related to the second chakra engenders beliefs like: "I don't deserve to be loved". To avoid suffering from a wound caused by a lack of love, people "close themselves" to receiving. Observe your reaction when someone gives you something. Do you say: "Oh, you shouldn't have" or "You needn't have bothered "? If so, this means you find it hard to receive. But when you do this, you prevent the flow of life from circulating through you and this has very concrete repercussions on your existence: you cannot accept from life the gifts it offers you, so you cannot develop, even on a material level. If you want to be richer, first of all you need to learn how to receive. Receiving from life requires no effort or struggle. Here is an exercise you can practise in your everyday life: Giving-receiving exercise The thing we receive most of during the day is words - the words of other people. Whenever someone addresses you verbally, be careful to remain quiet and receptive. Open yourself up, and let in the words of the person talking to you. Don't reply straight away, and try not to reflect even, as you go along. Just listen attentively. This is a kind of "rehabilitation" exercise I'm giving you. Of course, if you are dealing with an aggressive or particularly negative person, you should avoid opening up, because you'll risk being "contaminated" by their negativity. In all other cases, allow yourself to receive the sounds of other people's words. And if someone says "thank you", don't immediately say "Oh it's nothing" - allow the thanks to penetrate inside you. If someone gives you something, simply accept it, allowing yourself to be touched by this gesture towards you. If it makes you feel emotional, it doesn't matter. You can perhaps express your feelings by saying something like "I'm touched" or "I'm overcome". Sometimes it's difficult to show your emotion, because at this time you are very vulnerable. But in these circumstances, you can allow yourself to do it. This simple-seeming exercise can have big repercussions on your life, because it teaches you to really receive, and therefore to open yourself up. And then life will be able to give you the best it has to offer. If, on the other hand, someone asks you for something that you have the means to give, gladly agree to part with it: this is a sign that life is checking that you are not closed. Because life is a constant ebb and flow of giving and receiving. In order to receive, you need to give, and visa versa. In fact, if your glass is always full of water, how can it fill up again? Remember that when you agree to give something of yourself, on any level (spiritual, intellectual, emotional, material, etc.), you are "stimulating" the movement of life as well as your chakras (and the sacral centre in particular).

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