Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Touch is expressed over the entire surface of the body by the skin and the hands. From a quick handshake to an erotic sexual encounter. The present age has forgotten the strength and beneficial effects of contact, touch, the “laying on of hands”.

   Your magnetic energy is transmitted to the other person through your hands. Think of the beneficial effect of a caress on the head, the hair, a hand placed on your shoulder, a kiss on the cheek, a friendly tap on the knee! Make a point of hugging those close to you  to show your support, solidarity and friendship.

Exercises linked to the sense of touch

-   Take a round object in your hands, what do you feel?  Allow yourself to associate ideas, words, while continuing to caress the curves.
-   Now choose a square or rectangular object. What do you feel? Is the contact the same? What ideas come spontaneously to mind?
-   Massage your body with oil or cream, re-establish contact with your skin. Massage your hands, the backs and the palms; massage your feet, the soles, heels and toes.
-   When you wash your hair, take time to massage your scalp. Get someone to massage your body and massage someone else’s body.

   You touch material objects with your fingers and hands; learn to “put your finger” on a  problem or a situation, in other to words be intuitive about an event.

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