Sunday, August 26, 2012



   Hindu Tradition calls this the Muladhara, or Root Chakra. It is situated between the coccyx and the sacrum, at perineum level in a man, or the neck of the uterus in a woman.
   This chakra is linked to the adrenal glands. It is associated with the element "Earth" and the sense of touch.

   We are connected to the material world by the Root Chakra: this chakra channels universal cosmic energy towards the physical plane, and at the same time, it captures earth energy with the help of minor chakras situated under the soles of the feet.
   It's through this centre that we make contact with "the spirit of our Mother Earth", it's here that we know her elementary force. Basic individual needs to do with life and survival on our planet, are the province of the first chakra.

   The acceptance of life "on earth", of physical existence, plus an inclination to act in harmony with terrestrial forces and a willingness to learn terrestrial laws, are all gifts which come from an "open" first chakra. This chakra gives you the stability of the earth so that you can base your existence there, and prevents you from "losing your footing" in material life. When this chakra is "vibrating" in a harmonious way, it also procures the energy you need to help you to adapt to the world. It imparts creativity, perseverance and the power to assert yourself.

   "Making a living", achieving satisfactory financial and material security, ensuring the "survival of the species" by having a family, are also part of the activity of the Root Chakra, along with sexuality as a bodily function and means of procreation.

   It's important to understand that this first chakra forms the vital base and the essential source of power for the higher chakras. It enable us to "tap into" the inexhaustible reservoir of cosmic energy. Comparable to the heart in the physical body, the Root Chakra is central to the circulation of subtle energy in the etheric aura (or etheric body).
    It is also the seat of our "collective unconscious", whose knowledge (secretly stored inside us) becomes accessible when it is "spinning" properly. For the individual to achieve inner balance, this first chakra must be counterbalanced by the seventh chakra (we'll see this later on…).

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