Thursday, July 26, 2012

• THURSDAY, encouraging good luck:

a THURSDAY during the New Moon. So draw in Indian ink a square, divided into 16 squares by 3 horizontal and 3 vertical lines. Enter into each square, going horizontally from top left, the following numbers: 4, 14, 15, and 1 (first line), 9, 7, 6, and 12 (second line), 5, 11, 10, and 8 (third line) and 16, 2, 3, 13 (fourth line). You have just drawn a Square of Jupiter, a powerful talisman that brings luck in games of chance. Write your full name beneath it and sign it. Make a pouch of gold coloured velvet or silk; fill it with dried rose petals, acacia and clover. Add a small magnetic plaque and sew it with golden thread. Pass this bag through the smoke from incense of benzoin resin and sage whilst saying: “By the Sacred Seals, I connect myself to the powers of the universe and to the divine powers, so that I can improve my life and attract success. I radiate the light of a thousand fires. The horn of plenty showers me with a thousand gifts and a thousand different advantages. This is what I want, it is my will, and so be it! Let my will be done!” Then visualise yourself in a home that is opulent and happy. Keep this lucky charm with you or put it at the centre of your home in a place where no-one can see it. Hold it in your hands at each New Moon and recite the prayer again. If you play games of chance or lotteries, you could put the ticket in the bag while you wait to hear the result.

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