Saturday, April 12, 2014

Now procede the same way as previously...

... draw the pentagram, in the air above the parchment held in your left hand, as specified in the previous post, from the right hand side.

Then close your eyes and breathe deeply and calmly whle pronouncing mentally the following formula:

"I capture the energies of Fire which will give me passion and enthousiasm."

Then go back to the altar, put down the candle and the parchment, take a small amount of soil with rose petals in both your hands and read the "Prayer of respons to the Moon" turned towards it, eve, if you cannot see it:

"Now, see Lucius, I have come, your lamantations and prayers have made me come and save you. I am the natural mother of all that is, mistress and housekeeper of all the elements, the worlds originates from me, I am the holder of divin powers, the queen of all of hells inhabitants, sovereign of those living in the sky, unique manifestation of all gods and goddesses.
I do as I please with the planets of the heavens, with the winds of the oceans and the gloomy silence of the underworlds. My name, my divinity are adored throughout the universe in thousands of fasions and usages, under a multitude of designations.
Listen to me: the Phrygians, the first men, call me: Mother of the gods in Pessinos; the Athenians who birthed from their own ground call me Minerva the vecropian and the Cypriots, surrounded by the seas, call me Venus the paphian. For the Cretans, bearers of arrows, I am Diana the dictian, for the Sicilians, who speaks three languages, I am Prosperine the infernal and for the Elusians, I am Ceres their old Goddess? For some I am called Junon, others Bellone, Hecate, Ramnusia, but there are two sort of people, the Ethipians from the east, illuminated by the morning sun and the Egyptians, excellent in the ancien doctrins, and who have the habit to adore me through my true name which is: Isis the queen. So here am I , I have come and have pity for you, for your destiny, your tribulations. Listen, I am here to favour and help you. Stop your lamantations, chase away your sadness, for here is the salutary day of my presence." 

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