Saturday, April 19, 2014

Calculating magic hours

For example:

Friday 9th of November 2001 in the town of Bordeaux (France), the Sun rose at 6.52min 32sec AM and set at 4.38min 56sec PM.

Between the sunrise and sunset, the day lasted for 9 hours 46 minutes and 24 seconds, divided by 12, gives hours lasting  48 minutes 24 seconds. You can immediately see that the unequal hours of the day are shorter that the equals hours measuring 60 minutes, which is perfectly normal in winter.

Between the rise and the set of the sun, the night lasted for 14 hours 13 minutes and 36 seconds which divided by 12 gave us the unequal hours of the night of 1 hour 11 minutes and 8 seconds. You can clearly see that the unequal hours during night-time are longer that the equal ones, for the same reason as mentioned above.

The phenomenon inverses during summer time, giving longer hours in day time than during night.
These magic hours are slightly different than the ordinary hours, but nevertheless added together they form 24 hour days just the same.
Another day, the unequal hours would be different as the sunrise and sunset occurs in other time-spans.
It is very important to learn how to make this counting to be able to do the rituals following the tradition, just as have done, generations of magi and people striving for love. 

I will give a few other examples. 

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