Monday, May 27, 2013

• TUESDAY, look for a job:

burn a green candle in your name and the company you have applied to. Our some green apple and lemon essential oil into a bath (when the bath is filling up) and bathe in the light of the candle. Close your eyes and think about the things you want. Visualise yourself at the job interview then doing your new job. When you feel that your objectives are clear, concentrate on the candle flame and murmur: "Here and now, my intentions are decided, and my professional goals and all my needs will be fulfilled. All of this without harming anyone and wishing prosperity for everyone around me, and working happily and profitably with everyone. The powers of the universe will open new paths for me that will make me happy, successful and respected. So be it!" This ritual should be performed every lunar month, until you get a job. Green is the colour that brings renewal in Spring, when nature awakens. Here it works as a symbol of hope. The apple and lemon oils are used as symbols of the fruits to come.

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