Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Power of Crystals

Did you know that Crystals played a major role in the history of one of the world’s
 greatest civilisations?
The people of Atlantis lived tens of thousands of years ago on a continent that 
disappeared as a result of a natural catastrophe.
The survivors of this catastrophe reappeared in various parts of the world:
 in Mexico, Europe and Egypt. They were a sophisticated elite who not 
only knew the great secrets of the forces of Nature, but also how to channel
 this energy to control power and success.
These geniuses revealed a great many of their secrets to the Egyptians who 
 subsequently built the great pyramids. They also left evidence of their absolute
 control over the forces of Nature that contributed to the development of the human race.
In bequeathing the secrets of their success to humanity, they enabled great advances 
to be made in the development of psychic powers, knowledge and human evolution.
This body of knowledge was handed down from generation to generation by the great 
masters initiated into its secrets. One of these areas of knowledge involved the use of  
a specific Crystal to achieve a wide range of ambitions and desires.

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