Thursday, December 6, 2012

Programming your crystal to positively influence money, love, luck and success

Programming your crystal involves storing a “profile” of what you want to become or 
achieve in the next week or so inside the crystal.
First you must decide what you most want for yourself.
Don’t stint yourself. Choose what you want just as if you were making a list of presents 
that you would like for your birthday.
The crystal is programmed by means of mental images, possibly associated with sensations 
(scents, textures, sounds, voices), that represent what you want.
For example, if you want to become a gifted musician, you project mental images in which 
you see yourself playing an instrument and, if possible, hearing the wonderful sounds 
produced by your instrument. You can also visualise yourself giving a recital in a concert
hall and so on.
Before you begin, make sure you know exactly what you most want for yourself. 
Your crystal can only be programmed by you and should not involve anyone else. 
However, if what you want is to be loved by someone, you can imagine yourself in the
arms of the person you love.
Remember that your crystal will have a direct effect if you want to use it to make money.
You will get the best out of your crystal by charging it with the positive qualities that you
most want to demonstrate, especially if you are trying to improve your life. The more you
are prepared to give your crystal, the more you will receive in return. When you are ready, 
choose a quiet time in the day when you are sure not to be disturbed.
Perhaps even take the ‘phone of the hook. Make sure you are sitting comfortably, 
with your back  straight.
Take your crystal in both hands. You can close your eyes or keep them open, depending 
how you are best able to visualise mental images. Begin by relaxing, breathing slowly and 
deeply, using your  abdomen.
Let your whole body relax and give free rein to your thoughts.
Then begin to project mental images onto an imaginary screen in the the centre 
of your forehead.
When the images relating to your chosen area come into your mind, this will mentally 
program your subconscious and create the external events that will enable you to 
achieve what you in your life. This will take the form of an opportunity to be seized. 
Try to make these images as clear as possible, but don’t try to “fabricate images.” 
Instead, let them come naturally. 
Visualise as much detail as  possible, and try to experience positive emotions such as joy,
happiness confidence and  fulfilment.
Finally, if you can (but this is not essential), imagine that the image or images you have 
projected enter your crystal, while still experiencing the positive emotions of joy 
and pleasure. 
You have now programmed your crystal.
Try to remain as relaxed as possible throughout the entire programming procedure.
Be very careful about the type of images you project so that you don’t create a 
negative programme. 
If you do, you will suffer the negative consequences.

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