Friday, December 7, 2012

If you need money,

then by deciding to programme the crystal yourself and putting its amazing powers 
in touch with the money it could help win for you simply follow the instructions below:
When you are ready, choose a quiet time in the day. Perhaps even take the ‘phone off 
the hook. Make sure you are sitting comfortably, with your back straight.
Take your crystal in both hands. You can close your eyes or keep them open, depending
 how you are best able to visualise mental images.
Begin by relaxing, breathing slowly and deeply. Let your whole body relax and give free 
rein to your thoughts.
Then begin to project mental images onto an imaginary screen located at the centre 
of your forehead until the images relating to your chosen area come into your mind.
For example, you could see yourself receiving hundreds of pound notes, or doing a 
 “scratch card” worth thousands of pounds. Then visualise a date within the next 
fortnight – mental intensity is at its strongest when short periods are visualised.
You could imagine yourself getting the better of a vindictive person and emerging 
victorious with a cheque for 50,000 pounds.
You could imagine a sign, a stranger who sees you entering an exceptionally profitable 
period in your life.
Your mental programming of the crystal and your own subconscious will create the 
external events that will enable you to bring this sum of money into your life. 
This will take the form of an opportunity to be seized.
Try to visualise images of money, bank notes, cheques and winnings as clearly 
as possible. Don’t try to “fabricate images.”
Instead, let the images come naturally. It is you and you alone who is going 
to receive this money. You are certain of it.
Visualise as much detail as possible, and try to experience positive emotions such as joy,
happiness, confidence and fulfilment as you receive this amount of money.
Finally, if you can (but this is not essential), imagine the large amount of money you 
have visualised entering your crystal, while still experiencing the positive emotions of j
oy and pleasure.
When you have done this, your crystal has been programmed to help you come into 
money within a short space of time.
Try to remain as relaxed as possible throughout the entire programming procedure.

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