Thursday, November 10, 2011

Using the pendulum will help you regain your intuition

As you are not exploiting your natural intuition at the moment, it could be said that you are not living your life to the full. You have not been able to take advantage of the huge share of happiness that could have been brought to you by your intuition, that fantastic "Power" living inside you.

Fortunately, it's never too late to put things right!…

And the best way I know for you to speedily regain the full use of this power of yours (your great intuition) is simply to use a divinatory pendulum. The pendulum will enable us to develop some of your innate qualities including your intuition.

There's nothing complicated about it, you just need to do some serious and regular practice. Then little by little, you will come to recognise the "messages", the "signs", the "warnings" that are sent to you by the "Infinite Intelligence that created the Universe", to guide you towards success.

Over the years, lots of "signs" have already been sent to you. Until now you haven't been able to pick them up or interpret them, and in my opinion this largely explains the difficulties you have had to face.

It's high time we took some action, in the interests of your happiness…

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