Saturday, November 5, 2011


Pentacles protect their user from harmful influences, petty jealousy and evil. It’s an object of power. They unite and bind human beings with the higher divine forces. Pentacles are designed to pick up on lucky vibrations and harness them in the service of their owner so they can achieve the goals they set themselves. Pentacles are personal and cannot be used by any other person.
Make your November Pentacle
You can start making your pentacle from November 1st onwards.  The fact of making your pentacle with no tool other than a quill pen will bring you closer to the tradition and it will be powerfully charged with your vibrations, hopes and priorities. Your concentration will be more intense.
You will need: - a piece of white card measuring 10cm x 10cm, ideally a square of vegetable or animal parchment – a quill pen with black ink – a white candle.
The ritual:
Light the white candle, then say:
« With this flame I light up my soul in the light of the Sun; ray of truth, ray of knowledge, ray of nature, be with me in my endeavours, in my mind and my being. May the triple candle of grace light up my soul and protect me from problems and jealousies. May the strength of the light drive my work and empower my pentacle, so it may have the strength to make my dreams come true. May it be so. »
Draw the pentacle in one line, without stopping. Draw the 1st circle then the second. Draw the central cross and continue with the 5-point stars. Finish by writing in the magical names and signs.
Place your hands over it and say the following blessing:
« True receiver of the ebb-tide, I take in that which has been spent and can never be spent again. Find a place, through the mysterious turn of the tide, the ebbing of the sea, to cleanse my shores.
Great and good source of flux, send me all that I need to these shores, knowing how I drift, may your long wave be generous. Through the rich gift of the tide, I will lack for nothing. As I wish so may it come to pass. »
To finish, sign the back and write down, in just a few words, your hopes and priorities. Keep it on you for the whole of the month of May. Pick it up often and think of your hopes. At the end of the month, burn it in the flame of a white candle.

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