Monday, November 7, 2011

Everything begins in your own mind.

Your life today is the result of your past thoughts.

Your future existence will be the result of what you will be thinking, of what you will be seeing in your mind from now on.

Remember that all your unconscious fears pull towards you the very things you dread. It is therefore really important to make an effort to "police" your negative thoughts. As soon as a negative thought enters your head, say: 

"I deny this negative thought, it has no place in the Universe".

Instantly replace it with a positive thought, or with a firm belief that your request is being fulfilled.

Have faith and confidence in your "Inner Guide", the Infinite Intelligence that resides in you. Keep telling it that you believe in its power to guide you.

Here's a simple and enjoyable way of accelerating the realisation of your wishes.

You only need to set aside 10 minutes a day. Choose a place where you will be undisturbed for at least 10 minutes. Determine exactly what it is you want (the situation you would like to be in, once your problem has been solved).

Above all, you mustn't be tense - quite the opposite in fact, so relax your body and your mind. The ideal time for this exercise would be before you go to sleep at night, when your body is nice and calm.

Think, for a little while, of your desired situation. PICTURE THE SCENE! Really feel, deep down inside, that your Inner Divine Spirit has the power to solve your problem in an ideal way.

Don't make the mistake of imagining how the problem might be solved by a particular means or with the help of a particular person. If you do this, you will be in danger of blocking the process.

To fulfil your desire, the Infinite Intelligence may use means that are beyond the imagination of the human mind. It knows the perfect timing, exactly when and how to give you want you want.

Just content yourself with waiting for the result, feeling confident and certain that your Inner Guide will bring you satisfaction.

So what should you do after asking your Inner Guide for help?

Absolutely nothing! Just wait for the answer(s) to come!

Then as soon as you have them, blindly follow all the indications, Intuitions, signs, that the Infinite Intelligence won't fail to give you.

How do you recognise these answers?

They can arrive in a variety ways: 

bizarre coincidences, comments around you that suddenly make you think of something, dreams, a sudden desire to do something unusual, looking for one thing and finding another that relates to your question, etc...

Keep your mind open, and on the alert - "something" will point to the right solution. Here are a few more details on how things may happen:

"Sleep brings counsel": have you heard this saying?

Now's your chance to see whether there's any truth in it. First of all, get ready to receive the replies from your "Inner Guide" - put a notepad and pencil on your bedside table. Before you go to sleep, ask your Guide to free you from everything that has prevented you from solving your problem, and to solve your problem for you.

Get into the habit of listening, the moment you wake up, to the "little voice" that speaks to you. You will be surprised to find that the answers to your questions come more and more frequently and more and more easily as you awake (or even in the middle of the night in your dreams). Note down immediately any answers or dreams relating to your problem, even if they seem rather bizarre.

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