Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sunday 10th and Monday 11th March

• SUNDAY, your lucky numbers: 2 – 5 – 8 – 19 – 22 – 25 – 26

• MONDAY, the Moon’s influence: On Sunday 10th, Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th the Moon will be in Pisces which will favour all those born under the sign of Pisces, Cancer, Sagittarius and Leo. On Sunday 10th you should ideally stay home with your family and take care of some domestic chores: take it easy though, rest and relaxation are the order of the day. On Monday 11th, the day of the new Moon, consider fasting, as a means of recharging your batteries. A New Moon ritual will help increase your chances of winning money. This day also augurs well for signing contracts, leases or loan agreements. It is a food time for receiving, but not for giving, so avoid lending out any money. Skin care treatments, massage and lymphatic drainage will all be welcome. On Tuesday 12th, focus on projects and plans already under-way without being tempted to start anything new if possible. On Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th, the Moon moves into Aries, inspiring you with renewed energy. These two days will be good for trade and business, scheduling new projects and making media plans. Any reports you write will read well and make their point clearly and concisely: the aim is to plant the seeds for later harvest. Remember to water your plants, they will grow all the better for it. On Friday 15th and Saturday 16th, the Moon in Taurus will favour all those born under the sign of Taurus, Virgo, Cancer and Pisces. Skin treatments will be more effective on these days. Administrative procedures and other claims will prosper, although the same may not be true right now of your career aspirations. Be on your guard against trickery, lies and petty crime. Keep your eyes open…

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