Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How can we set about attracting benefits for you in the field of your choice as quickly as possible?

As you will see, when you know how to go about it, it is very easy to create a “signal” to emit with the aim of “capturing the benefits of your choice”. To create a good signal, you need a short, clear and precise message (just one message at a time) covering what you most want to see happening in your life.

For example:

* The “devil’s” luck in love *  Good luck in games *  Meet someone new  *  Great financial success *  Loyal friends *  A pay rise *  Business prosperity *  Doing well in an exam *  An enthralling job *  A job nearer home *  Passing my exam *  Marrying the man meant for me * Marrying the woman meant for me *  Go travelling somewhere nice *  Move to another region *  Open a business *  A house in the country *  Good health *  For my love to come back *  Enough money to pay off my debts. Etc…

Let me straight away give you some wise advice regarding your wishes.

Make sure that your requests are only BENEFICIAL and that your first requests are fairly “modest”. Why? Because if you ask for too much straight away, without realising it in your innermost heart you may well not dare to believe they will be granted.

Then without suspecting it you may unconsciously “block” the process whereby your wish will come true. Be sure to remember that your wishes must be fair and reasonable to start with, and above all must not do wrong to anybody. Proceed by gradual stages and your future results will be all the better.

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