Saturday, January 22, 2011

Solidarity between fellow humans is essential, we are not equally facing the climate issues here on our planet Earth, some suffer from floods other from famine or even both, we are not equal in the financial issues neither, some have a job others don't, some have luxury others nothing, not even a roof over their head, we are living in a very unfair world, it is not easy to know what to do to help, How Can We Help? with money of course, but that isn't all, the first thing to do is: stop falling into anger and  fear while seeing all the terrible events showed on television, because we recreate it with our minds, when did we see a really good program promoting nice feelings on television? it's all about murders, violence, war, terrorism, horrible events all over the world, dead birds and fish, everything is just doom and gloom, what we need to focus on, is the contrary, close the television so to not pollute our minds, and start visualizing what we really want for ourselves and our fellow humans, whatever colour, whatever country they come from or live in, because we are all ONE.

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