Monday, January 31, 2011


When a loved one passes over, we are devastated because of the loss, but we shouldn't, if they were ill, suffering or very old it's natural and even sometimes a relief for them to pass over, a relief for their family too as it's difficult to see the loved one suffer, it's much harder to stand the loss of a young person of course, as it's not natural. Our earthly life is very short anyway in comparison to the immortal existence of our soul. When we pass over we go back "home" and can, if we want to, come back as a new earthly being. Of course if the death is because of an accident or other violent event, it's much more traumatizing as we remember over and over again the folding of the painful moments and we know that the missing loved one, wanted to live. But the crossing over is not a painful event for those who have done it, rather the contrary, suffice is to say, all NDE (near death experience) related in many books, written by serious researchers, explain this to us, but I think many people feels this within themselves.

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