Friday, September 12, 2014

How to consolidate a relationship that turns into routine

The first Friday of a new moon, purchase a brilliantly red 50 cm rope or ribbon, the colour red symbolising passion.

The same evening before going to bed, in the dark, the only light coming from the flame of a red candle, recite, nine times in a row the following:

"Enam, Binab, Sator, Arepo, Tenet, Opera, Rotas, Hod, Ketcher, Chokmah, Tedulah, Teburah, Tipheret, Jesod, Sardach, Iod, Ja Netzah"

Then, with your eyes shut, make a first knot on the red string/rope/ribbon while thinking of the person and while pronouncing this:

"....(say his/her name), love me as much as I love you."

Then do the same with the following nine nights, adding a knot each time.

The tenth night, attach the ribbon with its ten knots around your left wrist during your nights sleep. The morning after, touch him/her with the left hand.
Continue to wear the ribbon until you start to see the results.

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