Saturday, September 7, 2013

Your higher self

This is what you call conscience and what psychoanalysts call the superego.
There is a certain level of your psychic structure, a sort of "censor" which has its own criteria of evaluation and puts barriers on your thoughts and actions. It has been built from the rules of society from the time of your birth, those occurring in your family but also those that has been gradually added from your own personal experiences.

The higher self is thus a kind of judge constantly watching you: it inhibits your actions and produces remorse when you trespasses the limits you have set up for yourself. It is, for example, what prevents you from walking naked out in the street, or talking loudly in the cinema, or cut your father when he speaks if it is something that is considered to be rude in your family ...

The higher self can become your guide, but only under certain conditions. First, we must always be aware that you communicate with a part of yourself and not a separate person. The opposite could create a psychological split detrimental to your mental equilibrium. Then you have to be sure that your superego works well in a balanced way, i.e. it is neither too permissive nor too rigid. If you never refer to your conscience and never ask yourself any moral question, or if, on the contrary, you have a tendency to self censorship, it will not be a good, objective and relevant guide.

However, from your higher self's perspective, your psyche will be freed from the shackles of your body and has interesting faculties for your evolution. It is not dependent on space and time. It can, therefore, draw useful information from your past, your present and also from your future, handing you advice and relevant recommendations. If, following the terms set out above, you choose your higher self for guidance, it will offer you solutions, tailored to fit your own personality and thus help you prepare for the future in the most accurate manner.

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