Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A meditation for answers...

Generally, the first questions that you ask your guide are often related to the problems we consider the most urgent - "Will I get a job?" - or existential worry - "Is there a anything after death?" They serve as a test, ie the quality of the answers you get, will often decide of the result of further channelling: if you believe that the answers are incomplete or incomprehensible, you get discouraged ... But not to be forgotten that the quality of the answers is mainly due to the way the questions were formulated as well as their content. Were they too complex or unclear? Because then it is likely that the response will be so too. Were they superficial or anecdotal? The answer will then probably be of no interest...

The active meditation that I will explain tomorrow can help you sort through your reflections, to assess the importance and relevance of your questions, to eliminate all those, that in fact, you already know the answer to and all those which are of minimal interest, and to select those truly worth the trouble to be asked.

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