Thursday, May 10, 2012

Observe the signs Destiny sends to you, in reply, carefully!

Learn to listen to your intuition. The Forces of the Universe will guide you towards the realization of your wishes by sending you special messages which you call “intuition” or “hunches”. Listen to what your heart tells you and follow its advice.


For example, if you are asking for the great love of your life, don’t stay sitting in front of the television for hours. No, try and look your best, doll yourself up, seize every available opportunity to go out, and keep your eyes open! An unexpected incident, two glances that meet, and it could be the moment!

Listen to your intuition and observe happy or unfortunate coincidences. A series of unfortunate coincidences indicates to you that your are on the wrong track, whereas a succession of happy coincidences invites you to carry on along the “RIGHT” direction you have taken.

Leave the door of your mind WIDE OPEN to the signs of Destiny. Listen to your intuition, because it is through it that you will receive the answer to your request.

It is up to you to be able to recognize good luck when it turns up, for it may reach you by amazing means, the existence of which you did not even suspect beforehand. You never know in advance through what means fate will answer your request. The most unexpected scenarios can occur.

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