Wednesday, May 30, 2012


   Anger is a reaction designed to protect your integrity when you feel your personal boundaries have been crossed, when you feel "invaded". Anger is a way of saying "NO" to an injustice or a violation.

   Justified anger is immediate, clear and requires no explanation. It is like the bared teeth of a bitch protecting her litter. Real anger is focused on a very specific object and is perfectly justified. By expressing it, you expose what is inappropriate and defend your integrity in a way that is beneficial to everyone concerned.

   Interiorised and repressed anger is a widespread phenomenon in our society, and leads to family violence, crime, all kinds of misplaced aggression, wars at every level and destruction caused by gestures of despair. Anger is the least acceptable and therefore the most repressed emotion in our society.

   The physical signs of repressed anger can be seen everywhere: tense jaws, clenched fists, stiffened backs, jutting chins, raised voices and blazing eyes.
   If only we learned to get angry in the right way, spontaneously, protecting our territory against a real threat of invasion, anger would be an appropriate response, a suitable reaction to resolve the challenges we were facing, a remedy devoid of negative effects. Instead it tends to be a chronic illness whose powerlessness is ultimately destructive.

   On the path of Initiation, it is therefore extremely important to express your anger and not to leave it buried and trapped within you. You will also notice that when you express your anger properly, it is followed by a feeling of compassion because you can understand what drove the other person to cross your boundaries. Anger then becomes an appropriate form of compassion.

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