Sunday, May 27, 2012

Learning to relax

   "Instant relaxation" will enable you to restore your energy anywhere and at any time, in only a few minutes.

   To do this, settle yourself in a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes. Carry out an isometric contraction of all your muscles and then breathe deeply.

   With each exhalation let your tiredness, worries and tensions flow out through your heels into the depths of the earth.

   Pause at the end of each exhalation, before allowing the air to flow back into your lungs bringing tranquillity, peace and silence.

   During the pause after each inhalation “feel” the space within your whole body.

   Then visualise yourself in an “ideal relaxing environment" (by the sea, a river, spring, forest, mountain, island, cave, nest, etc.) where you are completely relaxed. Here are a few examples of scenes that you could visualise: a babbling brook, fluffy clouds in a blue sky, waves breaking on the shore, a symphony concert, a garden full of sweetly scented flowers, the different colours of a rose garden, tropical fish in an aquarium, etc.

   In this place, use the energy of the colours to restore your energy. For example, imagine a magnificent rainbow: breathe in the colour – as if the air you were breathing was coloured – which corresponds to your needs of the moment (welcome what flows into you by trusting your intuition) and allow it to spread through your body.

   Then, as you breathe out, let it flow out through your heels. Return to everyday reality by stretching voluptuously.

   This whole relaxation cycle can be completed in only a few minutes, and enables you to recharge your batteries with physical and mental energy.

   All these various exercises are based on the secret techniques of Yoga, carefully developed by Indian Masters. They were specially designed for the needs of disciples wanting to follow the teachings of spiritual initiation. These pupils, who also worked hard to earn their living, usually had very little money, time and space to devote to these teachings.

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