Thursday, May 24, 2012

Developing your strength

   To be strong is to have an efficient musculature.
Isometric gymnastics (muscular contraction without changing position) is one of the most effective ways of developing and maintaining your musculature.

   A muscle that is not sufficiently stimulated at least once a day loses its strength. A muscle that is intensely stimulated by maximum contraction for a few seconds reacts by stimulating the blood circulation and developing the strength of its muscle fibres.

   For people in a situation of enforced immobility (in hospital, astronauts, etc.), it has been proven that a few isometric gymnastic exercises each day are enough to maintain the musculature in perfect condition.

   For city dwellers, it is a valuable way of "doing sport" as part of everyday life.

   You can practice isometric gymnastic exercises anywhere, at any time and in any position.

   For example: at home, at work, in the car, at a show, while you are waiting for someone, answering the telephone, sitting, standing, lying down or walking.

   They enable you to develop your physical strength and your vitality in a discreet and intense manner.
   Believe me, doing these exercises on a daily basis will keep your musculature "super fit" and enable you to gradually achieve exceptional physical efforts… without feeling tired or stiff!


1.  - Continuing to breathe normally
2.  - Tensing (without external movement) one or several groups  of muscles
3. - Achieving maximum contraction
4. - Maintaining this contraction for between one and seven even breaths, while keeping the rest of the body relaxed
5. - Releasing the muscular tension
6. - Breathing out deeply to relax.

  Above all do things gradually and NEVER STRAIN.

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