Thursday, June 21, 2012


   Visualisation means forming mental images, creating virtual images "in your head" (i.e. images that only exist potentially, which are in the state of possibility).

   The aim of the previous relaxation and concentration exercises is to train and prepare you for this next stage.

   Secondly, these virtual images are "fed by light" so that they acquire the conditions essential for their realisation, and therefore their materialisation (their concretisation in the dense world of matter).

   The secret art of visualisation lies in this process, which has been carefully concealed by the Initiated and which you will never find clearly explained in books intended for the general public.

   Visualisation is an ancient and mystic knowledge previously reserved solely for the Initiated. From the earliest times, Egyptian and Chaldean magi, and many more besides, used the creation of mental images during magic ceremonies. It was then a current practice born of a very long and patient observation of the Laws of the Universe and the mechanisms of nature.

   The observation of nature teaches us that any animal unable to take care of itself becomes the prey of another animal and that a plant unable to obtain its energy from the sun and water returns to the earth from whence it came.
   This rationale can also be applied to human beings. They must learn to take responsibility for themselves; they are responsible for their development and survival and no one can do this for them. 

   According to Magi Initiates, each living being consists of matter vibrating at a certain frequency, of energy which is in fact condensed light! – and this energy chooses a body to "inhabit" (don’t worry, this divine alchemy has absolutely nothing to do with stories of vampires, spells cast by evil beings and other such superstitions!). The body can therefore be compared to an "instrument" used by energy. It enables us to experience life.

   Living means learning to remember the perfection of this divine energy, to remember our inner-being-of-divine-origin: we must re-learn to use its natural power, to rediscover the resources that are within us.

   If you want to join the ranks of the Initiated, it is important to understand that living "here and now", entirely in the present, is extremely important. You won’t change what your life was by thinking about what it could have been.

   It is important to understand that thought is an instrument just like your arms and legs and you must learn to use it. Just as you learned to take your first steps, you must learn to think and also to stop thinking.

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