Tuesday, June 12, 2012


What is relaxation ? It is the release of muscular tension designed to reduce mental stress.
   Relaxation can be compared to a particularly effective shield against the aggression resulting from an exhausting way of life. It makes it possible, through the control of the mind and body, to avoid inner tension, the famous stress that wears out the nerves.

   Relaxation is a way of achieving countless – physical and psychological – benefits.

   Unlike sleep and rest, relaxation is not a natural function, a function that is performed instinctively when the need arises. Relaxation is learned and then practised.

   Relaxing means placing your body and mind in an almost instantaneous state of complete passivity.

   When you are in a period of activity, your body and mind are involved in your efforts. Your muscles and nerves are subjected to tensions of which you are unaware; your brain functions at full capacity, you don’t stop thinking, your mind works constantly throughout the day.

   Successful relaxation is achieved through the cessation of all physical activity and therefore via a process of complete release. When the body is completely relaxed, it also becomes possible to calm the agitation of the mind. When the body is relaxed, the mental-energy waves function at a slower rate, adopting what scientists call an “alpha rhythm”. This particular rhythm is beneficial for the health of both body and mind.

   Initially you will learn to let go, to relax, in order to rediscover yourself, i.e. rediscover your true self at will. This self, which can’t be seen in the mirror, is however your most  precious friend since this is the real YOU!

   Here is a simple relaxation exercise that must be done every day for about fifteen minutes. Choose a quiet moment and somewhere where you won’t be disturbed by the activity going on around you. The exercise can be done in the morning, during the day or at night before you go to bed.

·       Lie down in a comfortable position, making sure your clothes are not to tight as this will hinder your breathing.
·       Remain passive for a few moments, with your eyes closed, listening to the sound of your own breathing.
·       If thoughts come into your head, let them come, don’t try to stop them.
·       Inhale deeply allowing the air to expand your stomach. Hold the air in your lungs and count slowly to ten.
·       Breathe out deeply through your mouth, drawing in your stomach.
·       Repeat the process twice more.
·       Breathe normally, steadily and calmly, making every effort to be aware of your breathing.

You will now begin to relax.

·       Feel the weight of your body «sinking » into the ground. Let yourself go, allowing yourself to drift. Feel your chest rising and falling as you breathe in and out, feel the expansion and contraction of your rib cage. Listen to your heart beating.
·       Now imagine that a wave of warm and peaceful energy is entering your body through your toes and is relaxing all the tiny muscles and tendons in your feet… Feel the energy flowing around your ankles and up towards your calves … Your feet and calves are warm and heavy, as if they were bathed in the rays of a warm sun …
·       Let this warm, heavy energy flow up your legs and into your pelvis … Your pelvis is open to receive this slow-flowing current of smooth, mellow energy… Feel your muscles and organs relaxing as this energy flows gently along your spine, vertebra by vertebra, to your solar plexus, then your chest, shoulders, along your arms and into your hands…
·       Every inch of your body relaxes… Your whole body is warm and heavy as this energy flows into your neck and head and relaxes all your muscles and tendons… Feel this warm energy flooding your face; let your eyes sink in their orbits, your cheek bones relax, your jaw slacken…
·       Now your whole being is bathed in this warm and all-pervading energy … Be aware of the rhythm of your breathing as if you were watching a cork rising and falling on the waves, breathing in and out, rising and falling, expanding and contracting…
·       Feel the movements of life, the breath of your soul… Everything is breathing on its own, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes … Your entire body is now filled with light and the spirit of life.

   Initially, you can record this relaxation exercise on a tape recorded and follow the instructions of the voice (yours or someone else’s). Then with practice, you will find your own rhythm and will be able to practise it without the help of the recording.


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