Sunday, January 15, 2012

Creating your own sacred space

It is desirable to have your own personal space in your house or flat where you can perform your rituals. This will enable you to replenish your energy rapidly and effectively due to the Spiritual Strength that accumulates during the rituals.

If possible, set aside a room for this purpose, but you can perfectly well use a curtain or screen to shut off a small  area (2 to 4  metres is enough) in a quiet, secluded corner of your bedroom, for example.

This will be your own Sacred Space, where the Positive Energy you invoke can manifest itself within you, and where you can meditate whenever you want to.

Set up a small Altar (a table, chimney breast, sideboard), preferably facing East (where the sun rises). Cover it with a clean, white cloth.
Place a white candle at each of the back corners of the Altar.
Between these two candles, place a Sacred image of your choice, that corresponds to your religious beliefs or your ideals.

Occasionally sprinkle the altar and the surrounding area (curtains, carpet, etc.) with a few drops of oil of lavender or basil.
You can also burn incense.

Keep your Sacred Space clean and well ventilated. Always enter it with positive thoughts and with respect. Don’t smoke in your Sacred Space.

If, for whatever reason, you cannot have a permanent Sacred Space in your home, you can always quickly set up a “temporary” space that will do just as well.
The important thing is to have the right psychic and mental attitude and to always use the same area.

·        Perform these rituals for own your personal benefit without giving away their secrets. This would not only diminish their power, but also disperse and waste your energy.

These instructions are the valuable “keys” that will enable your life to be transformed by Magic. Make sure you respect them.

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