Friday, June 10, 2011

When and how to repeat creative affirmations

First of all, choose an affirmation that corresponds to the money wish you want to see fulfilled in your life. You can modify it until it is absolutely right for your personal circumstances, and accurately expresses the financial improvement you’re seeking.

Remember, there is no limit to what your thoughts can create, nor to what the Universe can give you in return.
It may, for example, concern an influx of money to repair the roof, the granting of a loan to finance your child’s studies, or an unexpected win on the lottery, to pay off medical bills, etc.

Note: You can work using one or several different affirmations, if you think you need to, to properly describe and create the improvements you want to see materialise in your life.

-       Speak you affirmation (or affirmations) throughout the day, as often as possible.

-       Continue speaking them for seven days running.

-       The best times to recite them are in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before you go to sleep.

-       Although it’s better to speak them out loud, you can also say them in your head. You can keep your eyes open or close them, as you wish.

It’s important to be aware of the underlying meaning and sacred significance of your request, and this will invest the alchemic process with greater power.

Through repetition, your brain ‘records’ the affirmation and gradually becomes impregnated with the creative energy it contains.

Thinking positively in this way has one major advantage: through the channel of your subconscious mind, you can ‘programme’ your brain according to your expectations, hopes and desires.

All of us in fact have a conscious and a subconscious mind. Modern psychology may have proven this fact just recently, but it is something the Initiates had long known about the way the human psyche works; they knew exactly how to ‘programme’ the brain to exploit its unknown potential.

Remember that your subconscious mind works for you, in the secret of your soul, in two possible ways:

-       either without you being aware of it,

-       or at your request, when you use creative affirmations.

Your subconscious is fundamentally positive; by its very nature it works only for you. It is always at your service: its only role is to find a solution to your problems, your worries, etc.

When you recite your affirmations, believe your wish has already been fulfilled. In fact, it already has been in the astral world and it starts to ‘condense’ in the material world from the very first repetitions.

Never doubt the result and have confidence in the infinite creative power of the Universe.

IMPORTANT: Never forget that the money will soon flow into your life should only be used to do good around you.

I can assure you that the repetition of positive affirmations is a powerful and extremely effective process. I have observed the results many times on the people I have helped.   

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