The week of May 30th to June 5th
Don’t forget the “Purification” day at the New Moon on June 1st. This is the ideal time to free yourself from bad vibrations at home.
Did you know: watch the lime tree, as you little time to harvest it. This is the ideal time to take a course of thistle milk to counteract stomach problems.
Lucky numbers: 13 – 20 – 22 – 31 – 34 - 43
The week of June 6th to 12th
You can benefit from the crescent moon. Avoid snacks and fat. Summer is approaching, with its parties, beach trips and sun-bathing. If you are hungry, think about fruit: grapes, peaches and strawberries. Use lemon juice to detoxify and also suppress the appetite.
Did you know: wormwood (absinthe) or even green ginger is used for sexual potency because of their properties. They used to be placed in the wedding night bed.
Lucky numbers: 7 – 11 – 16 – 19 – 33 - 35
The week of June 13th to 19th
This is an important week, with a crescent moon and a full moon on the 15th. You may need a boost in morale, as the change in the Moon can sap strength and cause minor depression. Feel free to enjoy the sunshine. Sunbathing is always beneficial.
Lucky numbers: 3 – 10 – 18 – 21 – 29 - 40
The week of June 20th to 26th
Waning Moon. Emphasise meditation, visualisation and liberation. A chance to use the ashes of St John for purification and energy.
Lucky numbers: 1 – 9 – 19 – 27 – 34 - 38
¬ Breathing well means new life!
Following lunar cycles, you can use breathing to purify and restore your mind and body. We are full of thoughts and emotions that can hinder our breathing. Our respiration is linked to our emotions. When these are upset, our whole body can suffer the consequences.
¬ A waning Moon, so chase away your worries and bad vibrations
Light a white candle, turn to the west and extend your arms. Inhale steadily and exhale fully while focusing on the candle flame. Then inhale whilst counting to 6. Hold your breath for a count of six and then breathe out whilst counting to 6. The candle flame will be extinguished, and so will your negativity and worries. Relight the candle and repeat the process 6 times.
¬ In a waxing Moon, gain well being
Every day during this phase of the Moon, perform this breathing exercise to gain energy, be calmer and sleep better.
Arms and legs stretched out in front of you, inhale whilst counting to 8 and then bring your hands towards your chest, holding your breath for a count of 8. This fills you with energy. Then exhale whilst counting to 8 and extend your arms again. Repeat this 8 times.
The pentacle protects its user from malign influences, jealousy and malice. It is a powerful object, as it is a link between humans and the world of higher and divine powers. It is designed to capture psychic forces of luck and put them to use for its owner so that they achieve all of their personal goals and ambitions. A pentacle is something personal and can’t be used by someone else. THE JUNE PENTACLE
The pentacle protects its user from malign influences, jealousy and malice. It is a powerful object, as it is a link between humans and the world of higher and divine powers. It is designed to capture psychic forces of luck and put them to use for its owner so that they achieve all of their personal goals and ambitions. A pentacle is something personal and can’t be used by someone else.
Create your June Pentacle
Carry it from June 1st. Creating your pentacle with nothing more than an ink pen brings you closer to tradition and increases the charge of psychic powers, wishes and priorities. Your concentration is also more intense.
You will need: - a piece of white card 10cm x 10cm. The best thing of all is a square made from natural animal or plant matter. – you will also need a fountain pen with black ink and a white candle.
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The ritual:
Light the white candle, then say:
“With this flame, I illuminate my soul with the light of the sun: the ray of truth, the ray of knowledge, the ray of nature, will shine on my books, my spirit, my being. The triple candle of grace lights my soul and saves me from obstacles and jealousy. The power of this light is good for my enterprises, and is within my pentacle so that it will have the power to make all my wishes come true. This is my will.”
Trace each line of the pentacle in one stroke, without stopping – make the first circle and then the second. Draw the central cross, and then continue by adding the stars to the 5 locations. Finish by writing the words and magical symbols.
Place your hands on it and say:
“True taker of reflux, receive what is over and can no longer be. Make room for the mysterious turn of the tide, the receding of the sea and clean my shore.
Giver of luck, please send what I need to this beach knowing the direction that your great waves are taking me. I shall want for nothing thanks to the rich gifts of the sea. I want it, so it shall be.”
Finally, sign the back with a few words about your wishes or priorities. Keep it with you for the whole month of June. Hold it regularly and think about your wishes. At the end of the month, burn it in the flame of a white candle.
Belief in the existence of guardian angels is found in the oldest Christian texts – each individual has a winged protector who oversees their life.
Psalm 91 – “ No harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his Angels to guard you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their hands, so that you do not strike your foot against a stone.”
Psalm 34 – “ The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them.”
Exodus – “I send an angel before thee, to keep thee on the path.”
We generally think of guardian angels as a caring friend, a celestial brother, a confidant, an advisor, someone who intercedes for us. Don’t many credible people swear that their lives were saved by providential angelic intervention?
Invocation to your guardian angel
For prayer to be effective, to lift the soul and spirit, it must convey emotion. An invocation to the angels is a carrier to allow you to enter into communion with their spiritual plane, if it results from a spontaneous outpouring of the heart, a strong desire to join with them and an almost symbiotic love. Any well-directed invocation or prayer always reaches its destination and triggers a wave of responses and the help needed.
To feel the presence of angels, you must achieve a state of relaxation and let go of everything physically and mentally. It is important to eliminate any tension you feel. The best way to relax is to do breathing exercises. Your breathing connects you to the universe. Your breath is your contact with life.
Breathe deeply, hold this beneficial energy in for a moment before exhaling the air and all the tensions you have. You are now ready to contact your guardian angel.
Invocation to your guardian angel
“O faithful friend,
(say his name three times),
Who protects me constantly,
I send you all my love.
Help me fight every day,
Against evil and to do good,
To advance on my path.
Give me good intuition,
To solve each problem.
Assured of your presence,
I am filled with hope.
Thanks to you, I am one with God,
At any time, anywhere.
I thank you for this great treasure,
Moving together towards the Golden Age. Amen.”
The guardian angels for the month of June
June 1st to 5th : HARIEL
June 6th to 10th: HAKAMIAH
June 11th to 15th: LAUVIAH
June 16th to 21st: CALIEL
June 22nd to 26th: LEUVIAH
June 27th to July 1st: PAHALIAH
Thursday June 2nd of Ascension
Thursday, the fifth day of the week, is dedicated to Jupiter by the Latin and Germanic peoples. In the countryside, on this day there is a procession of the statue of the Virgin Mary. Young girls carry baskets of rose petals, a symbol of purity, and scatter them to the winds during the procession.
This is a good day for rituals promoting marriage and abundance.
LITHA – Summer Solstice on June 21st
This festival is one of the most popular for the druids. It is also known as the Christian festival of the fires of St John . Young and old alike still celebrate this night by jumping over the wood fire and meeting their chosen person.
We also harvest many medicinal plants in full bloom for their powers. They are added to the solstice fire to use the ashes for healing.
Fragrant herbs offered to the solstice fire include St John’s Wort, thyme, sage, rosemary, verbena, primrose and rose petals (there are others).
The master of the fire must build the pyre so that it burns for a long time and produces lots of ashes. Fir, beech, elm, applewood, oak, birch and chestnut are used. If one of these woods is missing from the pyre, they are replaced by essences of the woods.
The number 7 is important.
When the fire is lit, women throw in the fragrant plants. Each person writes their wishes on a piece of paper and also throws this into the fire. The ashes of the fire are gathered up. They have a symbolic and magical meaning. The ashes are placed in a box or bag and kept at home, bringing protection and happiness throughout the year. They can also be used to cleanse the home, by mixing a little ash added to water to cleanse all the entrances (doors and windows), to create a magic threshold. To purify yourself or energise, you can also rub your face and hands with this ash water.
For those who are absent, they can participate from a distance by preparing a wish and by sending it in advance to the master of the fire. Once the ceremony is over, the remote participant can also enjoy the benefits of the ash and its actions when they receive it.
The day of St John the Baptist on June 24th
On June 24th, we celebrate St John the Baptist and light the fires of St John . The symbol of fire is very important in festivals for St John . The smoke and very strong aromas from the fire repel all evil. It’s a magic night when we seek favours from the Sun, its light and its eternal truth, and the happiness that comes from thriving crops.
It is not just a day when we honour the Sun and store up the benefits of the solstice. We also gather medicinal and magical plants that have received the full sunlight and can be used throughout the year. It is important to harvest plants with a very positive mind because our intentions can transform poisons into panaceas and vice versa.
It is said that on the night of St John , witches gathered herbs for their spells and charms, and took the stars from the skies to keep them in jars buried in the depths of their cellars.
It is also a time when we can strengthen feelings of love. This is a day when we allow the expression of physical love and sexual desire needed for a wedding night. There is an old saying, “Undress for St John but get dressed again the next day.”
This is also a good day for rituals that encourage wins in games of chance.
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