Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Twelve Sacred Mantras of the Emerald Table

Important : although this in itself is not enough to ensure success when using the Mantras, it is advisable to respect the original pronunciation of the syllables of Power. I have therefore indicated the proper pronunciation for each Mantra.

   How to say a Mantra :

It is vital that you should be aware of the nature of the Mantra, so that you can be ONE with it (if necessary, refer back to the section on the Universal Energy Law). You must understand that there is no real separation between the Mantra’s Word of Power, its Energy (representing Divinity) and the person who speaks it.

You must completely absorb this concept if you want the Mantra to exert its full power.

It is for this reason that you should begin by repeating the Mantra out loud. Once you are familiar with this form of repetition, you should repeat it quietly, in a murmur. In the final stage, you will repeat it mentally (in your head), in the awareness that your entire being is suffused with the Mantra and its energy.

Unless indicated otherwise, the Mantras can be repeated at any moment, whatever you are doing. In addition to their own specific powers, each Mantra also provides additional protection. It will enable you to concentrate all your energy on what you are doing, making you act more effectively and enabling you to be in full control of yourself.

If, over time, you adopt the habit of reciting a Mantra while you go about your daily business, you will live every moment to the full, without being overwhelmed by events … and it will bring you indescribable pleasure.

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