Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sleep and dreams

   Sleeping well is a natural way of developing intuition. There is a widespread popular belief in the healing powers of sleep. It is therefore important to respect your sleep patterns.

   There is a very simple rule for this: listen to yourself. In other words, go to bed when you are tired and wake up when you feel refreshed! Animals follow this rule instinctively, whereas humans rarely observe it. However, there is a very simple way of remaining fit and healthy: learn to catch "the sleep train".

   Listen to the messages sent by your body:

-   yawning indicates that the body and mind are relaxing;
-   a heavy head means your neck muscles are becoming too tired to support it; it droops forward and then jerks back up as if you were reacting against feeling "shattered" ;
-   eyes water or sting.

  Have the determination to make the right decision, to do the sensible thing. 
  Tell yourself: "I’m feeling sleepy, I’m going to bed."

  You can’t imagine the extent to which this type of decision favours your progress along the path of Initiation!

   Learn to respect your inner rhythm and the time of your “sleep train”. If you don’t, tell yourself there won’t be another "train" along for two hours.

   Also remember that the hours of sleep before midnight "count double" since they are “quality hours” and the most beneficial for the regeneration of your tired organism.

   Furthermore, in this first phase of sleep, your brain quite naturally adopts the rhythm of the alpha waves. This “alpha phase” (as it is called by the scientists who study the functioning of the human brain) is one of the most important times of the day: the alpha waves correspond to a state of interiorised consciousness, mental calm, deep physical and mental relaxation.

   The “alpha phase” is a time of intense replenishment, as if you were drawing a draught of cosmic and revitalising energy from the divine spring. The phase lasts for about twenty minutes.
   It is during this time that you can have your most creative ideas, your best intuitions concerning decisions to be made, objectives to be reached, directions to be followed … Everything appears simple and straightforward, and what is more, it is all perfectly true.

   This is the best time to ask your subconscious a clear and precise question. It will register the question and, during the alpha period, will immediately begin to set up a research programme to find the best solution, especially for you.

   So why deprive yourself of this valuable period of sleep? Here you are in the middle of the intuitive process. All you need to do, just before you go to sleep, is to concentrate for a moment on what is preoccupying you (you will obviously have been thinking about it already), ask your question, and then catch the "sleep train".
   As soon as you come to the dream phase, your subconscious mind, which is the very source of intuition, will give you an appropriate reply.

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