Governed by Mars, the planet responsible for war, anger, violence, conflicts, accidents, fires, but also the power of decision and the physical strength of athletes. Mars also governs the following professions: the police force, surgery, the army, butchery, undertaking, top-level sport and athletics.
Tuesdays should be used for all matters connected with the activities and professions listed above. Timid individuals, who feel unable to confront tense situations, will be able to draw on (especially during the hours of Mars) an additional charge of planetary energy.
Also a good day for confronting and competing with a professionnel or romantic rival.
Governed by the planet Mercury, responsible for intellectual matters and all “intellectual” professions. Mercury also controls transport, communications, the Postal service, contracts and written documents, the “intermediary” professions, commercial travellers, retailers, journalists, those working for radio and television, doctors, photographers and jewellers.
This is the most appropriate day to deal with correspondence, arrange meetings, establish positive relations, write reports and documents.
If you are dealing with unintelligent people, these people will understand much better what you are trying to convey to them on a Wednesday.
It is a favourable day for study: lessons and ideas are assimilated much more rapidly and the memory is extremely active, which makes it a good day for sitting exams and taking part in competitions.
Governed by Jupiter, planet responsible for Finance, Banking, prestige and wealth. This planet controls government ministers, ambassadors, magistrates, Church officials, the wholesale trade, the export trade, famous luxury hotels and restaurants, political honours and ambitions.
It is therefore the best day to achieve personal ambitions, make contact with influential people (since they will be more willing to help you).
It is a particularly propitious day for obtaining money (asking for loans) or finding associates to develop a business related to the activities mentioned above.